Officially Quitting WoW. for real this time =P


New Member
God has convicted me that the time spent playing WoW should be time spent doing other things, and for me it was quite a bit of time. So with that I am really leaving for good this time.

Any activity done too much can be a distraction from the Lord, and WoW is no exception of course. Does being in a Christian guild mean it's okay to spend the amount of time we all do/did playing this game? Remember our lives and time are not our own for we were bought at a price. Redeemed has good intentions but the game will always come first, not God, because people want to have fun and play the game. And just the nature of WoW means you usually have to play a lot to keep up with everything.

We all have our home churches we are members of, bodies of Christ that we are part of. One of my spiritual gifts for the church is the gift of music, I play guitar/piano and sing each Sunday. So I now practice at home so I can improve and become more effective at my ministry at church.

I would humbly ask each of you to look at your personal WoW play time, type in /played. Ask God if He thinks you should be spending so much time playing WoW. Or is there something else He is calling you to do for Him?


I will keep in touch, I'll probably check the forums more often than a good majority of the guild who the leaders want to check to get info lol. I do play Team Fortress 2 on occassion, so I'll see some of you there. You are my friends and I will miss you, but I look forward to the day we meet each other in the presence of our Lord in heaven.
Type /played? can't make me....I won't do it....NO.....I WON"T.....

Sad that we won't see as much of you around anymore, but as we all take different roads...we know we will meet at the end of it. I look forward to seeing you there!
can i have your stuff? (sorry had to get that out of the way)

On serious note, Praise God for working in your life! I am glad to hear your faith is active and you are feeling His calling. I pray that He leads you in a blessed path as you begin to engage more at your local church. The gift of music is awesome and I know He can use it to touch many people.

Oh and thanks for the brotherly conviction as well. **rubs his butt from the kick**

Keep in touch and make sure to play some TF2 with us. Don't quench the Spirit, if He is telling to to slow down on gaming then pay heed, but don't think that going cold-turkey-extreme will be painless (it may even do damage). Consider working with your wife on a tough gaming schedule so you still get the joy that games give you from time to time but have your priorities in order.

Anyways, take care brother, you are one of my best ToJ friends and I am glad to see God has you in His grip.

Consider coming out to CA some time and visiting with us, we could use a good musician/sound guy at our church I bet...hehe
I had a feeling this was coming Quant due to your scaled back playing time. I enjoyed the times we talked, you know us Shadow Priests have to stick together. Seriously though take care and come visit us here sometimes and know you'll be sorely missed. I still have you and your wife on my personal prayer list and that's not going to change even though you're gone from WoW. God Bless my brother.
I sure hate to see you go. You were always patient with all of us, and willing to offer your time to us when we were in need. May God bless you in all you do.

Dude! You chose wisely. Follow God's leading in your life through His Word.

As for your stuff....

It is more blessed to give than receive. Hint hint.
Sad to see you go Quantam. As for your points of pondering, and without getting into heated debate: It all depends on Gods plan for you doesn't it? And you feel Gods plan for you is now down another path, Gods peace be with you in all that you do. May all that have crossed your path follow you down your new path!

† God Bless †
I'm sad for a second time. :( No one can regen mana quite like you. Best of luck! Let me know if you need someone to keep your account warm for you again. Who knows what will happend down the road!
Quantam it was a pleasure to to get know you and game with you. I have played with few that had your abilities. You made your toon rock. Take care and peace be with you with God's blessings.
Well, I actually took time to pray about this, and what I got was... THe time I spend on WoW, is the time most people would spend watching TV or doing another hobby... I do not have TV, so in essence...WoW is my TV... So I spend about 1-2 hours a day playing WoW, when many people I know spend at least 3-4 hours in front of the TV, what is the difference, I am building hand-eye
...also, continuing on my point, I don't not have any friends to talk to around here, my only real friends are you when you leave...I just lose more friends... So my friend relationship time is also on WoW...
***Peaks to check socks.... ohh, they have piano's on them**** Grats for coming to the peaceful understanding that God gives our hearts to serve. Going to miss you though. If you ever think you might be able to do this more part time, please reconsider, but WoW is addictive to us competative at heart and can take away from important time both with God and family. Blessings to you and your family!
Wow I can't believe I missed this.

Thanks for helping me with Oddbob all those times, Q. You showed me and gave me lots of tips on SPriests.

You will be missed, and no, I do not plan on looking at my /played time... since I started Osirys in Ja nuary of '05, and Klangdonsoon after that, it would be too ugly for my eyes to witness.
I have the second most /played time and she has me beat by at least x2

But I have more active posts then her. w00t!!!