odd requst


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
friend swager wishes actual prayer that he can grab a wii from one of the stores. swager is one of the nicest guys and im trying to get him to come to my house for thanksgiving, he believs in God but not sure on all specifics and useally rather not deal with religion so yeah.... please pray he can get a wii and i can be a witness to him
Unless he NEEDS the Wii, I see no reason to pray for his wants. But I pray you can be a witness to him dude, God Bless.
I see reason to pray for his wants :)
I believe God delights in giving gifts to His children... even though swager prolly doesn't know/acknowledge that he is one of God's children... he is, albeit possibly (from your details, Atown, most likely) he is one of God's prodigal children. And yeah, I think swager's desire for a Wii is a little immature, compared to say desiring a relationship with Christ or a spiritual gift. But it is still a chance that he gets to know God in a real way.

Still, here goes:

Father God, we praise you that you are a Father to us and that You love us and that You love to show us Your love in many ways.

We pray that You would show swager Your favor in his life. If his desire for a Wii is a way for You to show Your favor in a way that is real to him, then We ask that you grant him his request in a way that totally points him to You. We ask that you use his drive for video games and for friendship as a tool to bring him into a relationship with You.

We ask that You give Atown the tools and wisdom to be a witness for You. We ask that You use this Wii as an opportunity for swager to see the truth and the love behind Atown's belief in You.

We thank You that You are a God that loves us no matter what we do; even when what we do is desire video games ;).

In Jesus' awesome name,