I really don't see how having the option for federal healthcare is a completely negative thing.
How is it bad to offer care to people that cannot afford their own healthcare, or to people who cannot get it due to a pre-existing condition?
It isn't like they are forcing you to use their healthcare and rid yourself of your own. And if I am wrong, please provide me with a link where I can enlighten myself.
Unfortunately, that's exactly their plan. Implementing single payer health care is all about removing choices, not adding them. And
this is the kind of care that results.
I'm sure that you can find details of the health care changes that Hillary proposed back in the 90s (I'm at work, so don't have time to chase them down), but, as I recall, it would have taken about 15% of the entire US economy, and put it under Hillary's direct control (remember, she hadn't been elected so much as dog catcher at this point in time).
I have a coworker that grew up in Canada and told me a story that I think further illustrates the differences (not to bash on Canada, or anything...). He, here in California, and his aunt, in Canada, both needed an MRI. He for a minor sports injury, she for a potentially life-threatening condition. He had to wait less than 8 hours to get his - she had to wait over 18 months to get hers.
Based on the history of the whole 'single payer health care' advocacy, along with seeing how efficient *cough* socialized medicine is in the places it's used (VA hospitals, anyone??), I'm 100% against it. Our current system could definitely use some fixing, but I'm of the opinion that the key factors needed aren't governmental control (when have they made ANYTHING more efficient?!?), but more in the areas of tort reform and immigration control (unfortunately, in the areas heavily populated by illegal immigrants of whatever origin, ERs report a prevalence of illegals using the ER in place of a primary care provider, as ERs can't turn anyone down. Wait times go up, costs have to be absorbed by those who can pay (insurance companies - resulting in higher premiums for everyone), and quality of service suffers).