Not too many for God

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New Member
Yeah I just wanted to prepend this I'm also still waiting to hear from my college of choice as far as being accepted or not, a friend of mine got hers the other day so any day, Im just praying that I get in and into the program i want, thanks guys

I have many-a-prayer requests and it feels like a lot to me but I know its not too many for God. School has got me stressed out, I'm taking a full engineering load in hopes of graduating with my AA this year and classes have been killing me, I ask that you guys could pray that I can keep my head and get my homework done and stay on top of things and get my GPA back up.

Also, my dad is having some trouble with is heart, he is having atrial fibrilation (upper part of your heart beats radically faster than the rest of your heart) he is consistently trying different medications and none are working very well, the doctors  might have to move to more intense medication, one of which could possibly cause heart attacks, or an operation to try and stop this problem. It would mean a lot to me to have you guys keep him in your prayers.

And one more thing, a good buddy of mine who is also in college currently is thinking about moving out with his girlfriend. Both are christians, and I just pray to give them guidance to show them that this probably isn't the best idea and that they should rethink things.

thanks guys, means a lot to me
sure thing.

AA-- Associate of Arts Degree.  2 year college degree.

GPA -- Grade point Average.  Usually based on 4 points.  A (top mark) = 4, down to F (lowest mark) being 0.  all the grades are added togethor for your university career and then averaged out to give an overall GPA.  This decides numerous things, such as academic probation/suspension, qualification for scholarships, loans, and co-ops, as well as whether you get into certain schools within the university (I know to get into the college of education at my uni, you had to have at least a 2.5), and it also decides whether or not u graduate.
welcome to the forums and im praying for u and ur friends and father
Hey, some good news, my dad went to our church the other day about the time i posted the first one here and had the elders lay hands on him and pray and annoint with oil. and he really hasnt had any problem for a couple days now. his heart skipped a beat or two today but nothing too big, no fibrilation, so thats a praise, so i pray that it could just keep up and he could leave this in the past. Thanks for the prayers guys, and if you could keep praying for him and me and my buddy i would love it

yeah i just have another prayer request, lately ive been feeling depressed, i dont have many friends locally that i can hang out with all the time, so during the week i feel really lonely just sitting around with my family, doing homework, and occasionally playing CS but i am just asking if you guys could pray for me that i can find some friends, or feel less lonely. that would be great im sure god has something in mind with these trials but for the mean time its hard on me. thanks guys.
just an update and prayer request for my dad. he was doing well for a few days (no fibrilations), but just recently today he started having one, so it looks like theyre going to have to try the more intense medication he has to be in the hospital for at least three days because if the medicine doesnt work right it causes heart attacks so they have to be ready for cardiac arrest when they start him on the meds, so im crying out to you guys to pray for the medication to work and for him to be alright with no serious side effects. also if you could pray for my dad in the area that he doesnt worry and stress out about this (hes fairly pessimistic) also for my family in this time. thanks guys

peace + love
ya i know what thats like, havin no friends n all. still prayin
well another update, my dad will be going into the hospital on sunday at 2 in the afternoon they check him in and hook up a heart telemetry monitor and then adminster his new medicine, then he will stay at the hospital until wednesday afternoon, pending the effectivity of the new meds, the drug theyre gonna give him is about 75% fully effective, 24.6% minor complications and .4% serious compication, mainly cardiac arrest. so please pray for him that everything goes well and that he is one of the 3/4 that the drug works on, and when it works, it completely stops atrial fibrilation, so i pray that this is the case...thanks folks

brother in christ - Josh
Praying for you! Praying for peace during this and that God will use the medicine for His Glory and your Dad will come home healed. Remember Jesus is the Chief Physician.

well, I have an update and kind of a praise. My dad is out of the hospital, his heart rate is low, and they're not quite sure if the medicine has taken full effect yet; but he is out of the hospital, and that was a big thing dragging him down, he was getting really depressed. Good news in that, and also, he hasnt had any serious side effects so I just ask for continuous prayer, that the drug does what it's supposed to do and this will all blow over.. thanks guys

You and your dad are in my prayers.
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