non Christian hostilaty

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Lol According to your way of thinking I'm guilty anyway regardless even if it is the word of God that was written and my answer to your question is and always will be "No". As for being sure, well the word of God speaks for itself --- Truth and thats what I choose to believe. DV you take things here to personally. Oh by the way my reply post further up was a response to the "Post". But it would seem you have to comment on everything. Why?
Jesh, I'd respond to your post but other than your telling DV off for replying to you I didn't really understand what you said. You have to work on your grammar, buddy.

And thank you, Mister Soup, for making my point for me, much better than I could ever have done.
Jeshurun said:
Lol According to your way of thinking I'm guilty anyway regardless even if it is the word of God that was written and my answer to your question is and always will be "No". As for being sure, well the word of God speaks for itself --- Truth and thats what I choose to believe. DV you take things here to personally. Oh by the way my reply post further up was a response to the "Post". But it would seem you have to comment on everything. Why?

When you bash Atheists, I take it personally, since I am one.

Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black?

Wasn't it YOU who took offense at the presence of nonChristians and created a thread that was then closed? Who, exactly, is taking things too personally?

I think you need to define what you consider truth is. Because as far as I was aware, FEELINGS don't determine truth, FACTS do.
1. Insistence on treating what are obviously tribal creation myths as the utter, godspoken truth.
your going to have to expand further. And keep in mind the obvious is relative.
2. Insistence on treating what are obviously biased histories as the utter, godspoken truth - even when our understanding of history suggests slightly different theories.
The Bible is recorded history. Every one of the authors died because they would not deny what they wrote. If a history theory contradicts, please understand the hesitation to let it over ride. Many historical theories come and go, but the Bible does not. One instance would be when historians dated the book of John to be around 250 AD. Christains obviously didn't buy it, and one day it was proven to be flat out false. So now the date is 90 AD, and Christians still don't buy it.
3. Insistence on treating what are obviously early theories on the nature of the earth as utter, godspoken, truth - even though we've learned so much about how the universe REALLY works.
how it really works ? you enjoy saying that as if you have first hand experience. well, I guess its a good thing you know better.
4. Insistence on an omniscient and omnipotent God in a world lousy with horror, fear and suffering. This gives us the choice between a God that lies or a God that hates us.
thats drawing quite a lot from a vague deduction don't you think? The Bible says that there has been pain and suffering ever since sin entered the world, take it or leave it. Anyway, what is 80 years in the scheme of eternity? But then I guess you don't believe in eternity now do you?
Master~Plan said:
how it really works ? you enjoy saying that as if you have first hand experience. well, I guess its a good thing you know better.

Hmm, that sounds awfully familiar. Like when a Christian claims to know how God REALLY exists, yet can't prove it to another human being.
DV if your reffering to me about a post that I had written, let me just say it is not my word that annoyed you. I only wrote down what the word of God teaches so don't put your hostilties on me. You are useing me as your excuse to vent out your frustrations on God and what his word teaches in front of everyone here.
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Lol Yeah right. Lol Famous last words; What you say is what you get. Lol 3-2-1-0 Blastoff. Huston, Huston do you read, we have a problem. Lol
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Jeshurun said:
DV if your reffering to me about a post that I had written, let me just say it is not my word that annoyed you. I only wrote down what the word of God teaches so don't put your hostilties on me. You are useing me as your excuse to vent out your frustrations on God and what his word teaches in front of everyone here.

Your words are yours alone.

If you speak them, have the conviction to stand behind them.

You may be a follower of God and his Word, but ultimately, your actions are your own.

I say that because YOU are the one talking. I have evidence of you and your actions. I do not have evidence of God, so I cannot speak to him. I can, however, speak to you and your actions.

If I could have direct communication with God, I would do so.

(And for the record, it's HOUSTON. Sorry, but I live in HOUSTON, so I like to see it spelled correctly, thanks!)
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