non Christian hostilaty

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New Member
over the past cupple of moths iv seen just so much hostilaty tord Christians.
its evey where my school online and on forums. so why do they need to tell us that god dosent exsest or that "I need proof".just becuse they are not what gives them the right to try to diseve the good lord.John 2:22
Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son.
when they are left behind what proof would they need?
Revelation 6:12
;I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
or would they need wrath of the lamb
wrath of the lamb
Revelation 8 1-9
and the book of Revelation
i am not aiming this to aneyone but the populess in general.all i am wondering why are non Christians and old Christians who left there faith now try to change outher Christians vews on are religen.
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They don't believe in God. Our great commission is to spread the word of the Lord. In doing so, we tick off a lot of people because we're telling them they are wrong and that what they believe in is not the God who can offer them eternal life. I understand their anger toward this and why they try to disprove God. They don't want to hear it from us anymore.

(Michael, seriously... try out a spellcheck program. There is a great FF extension that allows you to right-click and then menu spellcheck any page in your web browser. If you're going to debate here, you should make yourself easier to understand, bro.)
Its all very tragic, I don't want anyone to be sorry after they are left behind, but the reality of life says otherwise. All we can really do is fight the good fight, and be good stewards of the time and resources we are given. God can use anyone for great things, you just have take yourself off of the position of number one. easier said than done... I hope I'll get it sooner or later God willing.

try out a spellcheck program
Count me out of the list of people who doesn't want to hear it. The minute I am convinced the loud noise you'll hear from the East will be my knees hitting the floor and my voice raised to Christ.

Just don't hold your breath, because the more I talk and the more I read and the more I think the further away I get from that. I'm not here to decieve anyone and I'm not here to break anyone's faith - I know it may have worked out like that once or twice, but in my opinion I'd rather someone's faith wasn't based on ignorance anyway. What can be the value in faith like that?

Anyway - it's an open field. I'm sure that DV is exactly the same. If you can make sense of scripture and science - if you can make what we're told jibe with what we know - then you could convince anyone. I just don't think it's possible.
michaelpi, it does seem that the battle is raging hotter still. I have been pondering why, even when presented in love, people get hostile. Sometimes, even when they ask the questions! Funny how there seems to be a turn around. Everyone wants freedom of everything, but as the days grow short, it seems the Christian's freedom is constantly challenged. I noticed after the hurricanes that the victims visiting our city most often requested a Bible and they seemed to be very receptive to hearing the Gospel. The enemy knows his days are numbered and if he can get us to stop going and telling, he will, and we know he intends to go out with a fight!
I have considered over the past few days the lot of John the Baptist, and then Christ. We will never be required to suffer as our LORD did! Keep on keeping on with the Love of Jesus, and never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give up!
I hope you took the spell check comments in love. I know they were meant that way. I want to say you pose an excellent question from the heart and your posting and sharing of verses is much appreciated.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Eon, I hope that you will one day get saved. At any rate, there are many guest and visitors that come here, and the fact of the matter is that the Bible tells us that the Word of God will not come back void but fulfill its purpose! One day it just might make the bulls eye of your heart, for our God performs miracles, and you are worth it! :)

I know it doesn't seem likely, but the logic, reason, intellectual honesty...I think they all come into play once we have accepted Christ as Saviour. It takes that first step of faith, then our true Spiritual intellect kicks in! At that time, it just seem most unreasonable not to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and every Word of God as The Honest Truth.
Eon said:
The minute I am convinced the loud noise you'll hear from the East will be my knees hitting the floor and my voice raised to Christ.
:( Your not the first I have heard this from. You'll have to be quick. Ive never seen an eye twinkle so it must be fast.
Eon said:
the more I talk and the more I read and the more I think the further away I get from that.
the more influence I recieve from the world, the more I feel the pull away also. The more time I read, study and think is when I get closer to God.
Marcylene said:
it just seem most unreasonable not to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour
its true
epikeimai - be instant

1. to lie upon or over, rest upon,
a. be laid or placed upon on the burning coals
a. of things, of the pressure of a violent tempest
b. of men, to press upon, to be urgent

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. II Timothy 4:2

I have been thinking about your post and the persecution that we must endure when we attempt to witness to others. We have all heard that actions speak louder than words, so there are times that persecutions may come when others are observing our walk and hate Christianity for whatever reason. This verse came to mind and when I looked up instant...OUCHY! we are to be as if literally lying ourselves across the burning coals! It can be discouraging!

I have heard several elderly preachers who have spent their lifetime of reaching others, probably more on one on one soul winning than anything. Each has said that they never look forward to, or are excited about going in any way. They simply go because they are commanded to do so.

As the song says, once we have reached our final destination, it will be worth it all!

When We See Christ
(It will be worth it all)
Words and music by Esther Kerr Rusthoi
Oft times the day seems long, our trials hard to bear,
We're tempted to complain, to murmur and despair;
But Christ will soon appear to catch His Bride away,
All tears forever over in God's eternal day.
It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,
Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ;
One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race till we see Christ.
Sometimes the sky looks dark with not a ray of light,
We're tossed and driven on, no human help in sight;
But there is one in heav'n who knows our deepest care,
Let Jesus solve your problem - just go to Him in pray'r.
Life's day will soon be o'er, all storms forever past,
We'll cross the great divide, to glory, safe at last;
We'll share the joys of heav'n - a harp, a home, a crown,
The tempter will be banished, we'll lay our burden down.

Here is the great truth that, only when we see things in the light of God, do we see things as they are. It is only when we see things in the light of God that we see what things are really important, and what things are not. These things seem vastly important, things like ambition, and prestige, and money and gain, lose all their value and importance when they are seen in the light of God. Pleasures and habits and social customs which seem permissible enough, are seen for the dangerous things they are when they are seen in the light of God. Things which seem evils, hardship, toil, discipline, unpopularity, even persecution, are seen in their glory when they are seen in the light of God.... William Barclay (1907-1978),The Revelation of John (Vol.II)
Mr_Slice said:
They don't believe in God. Our great commission is to spread the word of the Lord. In doing so, we tick off a lot of people because we're telling them they are wrong and that what they believe in is not the God who can offer them eternal life. I understand their anger toward this and why they try to disprove God. They don't want to hear it from us anymore.

(Michael, seriously... try out a spellcheck program. There is a great FF extension that allows you to right-click and then menu spellcheck any page in your web browser. If you're going to debate here, you should make yourself easier to understand, bro.)

Actually, I don't mind being told I'm wrong...when I'm actually wrong.

What REALLY ticks me off is being told I'm wrong by people that can't PROVE they are right.

Not all of us are out to disprove God, some of us simply don't have ANY proof to believe one way or the other and REFUSE to believe one way or the other without logical reasoning.
Azzie said:
Faith thrives in persecution.
Faith dies in comfort.

I'd like to hear more about this.

Can Faith survive, if not thrive, apart from persecution?

Why is persecution a necessity?

And why do you believe it dies in comfort?
My little statement wasnt really an absolute; it was merely a speculation of general trends I have seen throughout the world and history.

So, yes, Faith can thrive without persecution, and Faith doesn't have to die in comfort.

Just by looking at the Israelites in the Old Testament, and countries like China and Uganda (extreme increase of active Christians in areas of high persecution) and France and Britain (recent extreme decrease of active Christians in areas where Christianity is the official religion) one can kinda see what I mean...

Of course, whether or not these people really are "True Christians" is completely another issue...

I'll admit my usage of the word "Faith" was rather vague. But using other words would make it sooo much less catchy! ;)
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People under stress need the comfort of belief. People not under stress enjoy the intellectual and emotional freedom to speculate.

And really - there are a lot of holes in the traditional christian faith. This causes people to step away to get a good look in the proper perspective. For most, once they take this first step away, they just keep right on going.
Here is what the word of God says in 2 Tim.1:8-9 Do not be ashamed then of the testimony to our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel in the power of God, who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not in virtue of our works but in virtue of his own purpose and the grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus ages ago./ 2 Tim.2:11-13 The saying is sure: If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; if we endure, we shall also reigh with him; if we deny him, he will also deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful-- for he cannot deny himself.
On the other side, I was thinking of the United States, where Christians are free of persecution and in whose origin contained examples of persecutions BY Christians. Looks like Christianity has thrived pretty well.

Azzie said:
My little statement wasnt really an absolute; it was merely a speculation of general trends I have seen throughout the world and history.

So, yes, Faith can thrive without persecution, and Faith doesn't have to die in comfort.

Just by looking at the Israelites in the Old Testament, and countries like China and Uganda (extreme increase of active Christians in areas of high persecution) and France and Britain (recent extreme decrease of active Christians in areas where Christianity is the official religion) one can kinda see what I mean...

Of course, whether or not these people really are "True Christians" is completely another issue...

I'll admit my usage of the word "Faith" was rather vague. But using other words would make it sooo much less catchy! ;)
Jeshurun said:
Here is what the word of God says in 2 Tim.1:8-9 Do not be ashamed then of the testimony to our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel in the power of God, who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not in virtue of our works but in virtue of his own purpose and the grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus ages ago./ 2 Tim.2:11-13 The saying is sure: If we have died with him, we shall also live with him; if we endure, we shall also reigh with him; if we deny him, he will also deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful-- for he cannot deny himself.

Are you sure the suffering in question wasn't meant to be placed at that time and that place? By extrapolating suffering into EVERY day and EVERY place, aren't you guilty of taking that verse out of context?
People under stress need the comfort of belief.
So bieng a christain is some sort of cakewalk that comforts us eh? I say my life is much harder as a Christian, and not because I'm some righteous person, but because standing up for a conviction in this world is quite a task.

I'm kind of attacked at all angles. Unsaved family has known me since I was born, so what could I possibly know? My friends don't understand me, I can't stand the way I act when I hold my life up to Christs, friends from work always trying to convince me to go to wild parties. I want to hang out with them because they are my friend, but not at the expense of God. School teachers in any subject have thier problem with Christians. Seriously, every semeseter the majority of the professors have thier spat with Christians.
Political science: the teacher is Democrat, and all Republicans are christian scum(no I'm not republican)

Introduction to Ethics: Christians are eithical merely because God says so, and if God says killing was eithical, christains would blindly follow(I see DV's eyes lighting up)

Introduction to the New Testament: "Theres no such thing as prophecy, so the whole new testament is made up"

Biology: "Christains are opposed to stem cell research and are yet again hindering Scientific progress" and you listen to the evolution lectures which pretty much take up half the course. you try to ask questions and you get the stink eye (class and teacher).

uhg and the subjects and the list goes on and on.....
But, God has revealed Himself to me so blatantly I go on in spite of my surroundings
ok I'm done with the pity party. Moving along
People not under stress enjoy the intellectual and emotional freedom to speculate.
uhg, you think I get a kick out of bieng controversial?
And really - there are a lot of holes in the traditional christian faith. This causes people to step away to get a good look in the proper perspective. For most, once they take this first step away, they just keep right on going.
Really the only hole I see so far is that people walk into Christianity thinking that God is a geanie to take away all thier problems. God takes away the problem of sin. For that I am eternally grateful.
No MasterPlan the many, many holes that revolve around the fundamental dichotomies of the Christian faith.

The main areas that cause doubt are:

1. Insistence on treating what are obviously tribal creation myths as the utter, godspoken truth.
2. Insistence on treating what are obviously biased histories as the utter, godspoken truth - even when our understanding of history suggests slightly different theories.
3. Insistence on treating what are obviously early theories on the nature of the earth as utter, godspoken, truth - even though we've learned so much about how the universe REALLY works.
4. Insistence on an omniscient and omnipotent God in a world lousy with horror, fear and suffering. This gives us the choice between a God that lies or a God that hates us.

I could go on. I have gone on for years and years on here. I would have no problems with you sayin that you've resolved these issues in yourself using faith over knowledge. I DO have an issue with you simply claiming that they don't exist.
2. Insistence on treating what are obviously biased histories as the utter, godspoken truth - even when our understanding of history suggests slightly different theories.

My view is that if there's something that conflicts with the Bible such as history, then there's problems with the history.
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