No more culling, Southsun living story, crab toss

Yeah, jump on it! FYI, though, I expect you'll be up-leveled to 80. They did this for the November event in Southsun, and have done for every living story piece so far. I'll try to get an answer on the official forums.
Kinda weird that they added a new mini-game when they haven't finished the others that have had place holders from launch.

That private party that rented the shooting gallery in Divinitys Reach has been going forever! I guess when the plates and cups are dirty, they just move down the table.

WvW additions sound interesting.
I'm guessing around noon PDT today. Be aware that some things listed in my title (like culling fix) won't be coming just yet; they were "slipped" into a comment by one of the devs. Crab mini game should be here, though, which is all that really matters!
Update: got an answer back from Anet on the official forums, this event will upscale you to 80.
I agree! oh man I am going out to dinner with a bunch of girlfriends tonight but I will be on after. Hopefully we will have some groups out there?
Just tell them about the exciting new content and the panda/leopard/beach hat and they'll be sure to jump in with you! Upleveling for the win!

Okay, maybe that won't work...but we'll see you on after.