No CS for Pastor


on to something new...
Yep you read it,

For tonight 2/24 and tomorrow night 2/25 I am not going to play CS or Source.

I will be knee-deep in my application for COLLEGE!!!

Oh yeah, I'm going back to school to get a computer degree. I've been bit by the megabyte bug, and I want more, hehe.

I'll see you all next week.

Nice, I suggest you go for something i'm going for, computer and network support, I just got admitted to a technical college this morning for that type of degree. Its only 2 quarters long and you get certified to work on computers with compTIA, A+, networking+ and a few more.

Please ellaborate on what you are gonna do in the computer field. If its hardware and trouble shooting along with a bit of network and routing, thats what i'm going for with the degree i'm pursueing.
First let me say, good choice to go back to school

Second, of course this would be the first weekend I have been able to play in a month. hhhmmmm :D

Talon said:
Nice, I suggest you go for something i'm going for, computer and network support, I just got admitted to a technical college this morning for that type of degree. Its only 2 quarters long and you get certified to work on computers with compTIA, A+, networking+ and a few more.

Please ellaborate on what you are gonna do in the computer field. If its hardware and trouble shooting along with a bit of network and routing, thats what i'm going for with the degree i'm pursueing.

Heh..thats what im actually looking into as well..from a local school up here. I'm thinking of getting the bachelor degree instead of a diploma..more training..= higher paid in the long run.
Actually, most techincal degrees that are geared for hands on stuff are not really offered as a BA or at a traditional school... more like a quick technical school certified program or degree. If i could i'd get a BA in computer network technology (computer and networking support is a sub field).

Designed to prepare for entry-level careers in supporting computer system users and troubleshooting computer systems, as well as local area networks (LAN). Curriculum focuses on the knowledge and skills to assist computer users with hardware and software solutions and give the computer users guidance on technical problems. Courses within the program will help prepare students for information technology (IT) industry certifications. Key industry certifications include CompTIA A+/Network+ and Microsoft MOS/MCP/MCDST.

Course description for computer and network support.

Wirly, neeeeeeeddddd more info...
Well I ended up playing some last night, but not before I applied to Greenville Technical College. Also I began the process of Financial aid, so I got a loy started last night.
Hey ME again,

The above is actually a certificate... however I am still going to pursue it b/c it will help me find a job in that field (no I am not forgetting my pastorial calling, I'm concentrating on providing for my families future, hehe).

Also, this is an online class, so this will be easier on me right now. Later I will pursue this:
then I will go after a bachloers. Hopefully by then, I will be employed with a computer company, and will be able to go after MASTERS AND DOCTORIATES!!!

PastorWirl said:
Ok gang, here is the link for the degree I am going to go for.

It also has the first term info on there as well...

Keep me in your prayers, especially about the financial aid part. I'm not too worried b/c DADDY has told me to pursue this so I know He'll make a way.


thats the exact thing I'm gonna do. Except i'm gonna do full time since I dont work.
Hey Gang,

Since I've drawn such a HUGE following to my going back to school, I will use this thread to keep you all informed to my progress...

2/27 & 2/28

I'm completely applied to the college, I have to take a MATH placement test before April 3 to complete my application process (I didn't do good in college math in the past). And then I'll meet with my advisor and complete enrollment.
Then, I've completed my FAFSA form, and I am now applied for financial aid. I'll hear back from that in a few days.

I'M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!!! I am so excited.