Nightfall Preorder


New Member
Quick question:

Has anyone preordered a GW game from Wal-Mart before? They've got the CE of Nightfall for $60 (plus a free T-shirt, which is cool), but I don't think I've ever pre-ordered anything from Wal-Mart, and was wondering how other people's experiences were. Mostly I'm just concerned with whether they'd ship the pre-order pack...
Hmm, just realized something. I could preorder from Wal-mart, get the CE and the t-shirt, and just get the pre-order thing from Amazon for $5... w00t!
Then if I end up getting two, I can be generous, and give somebody else a code.
I could also use it on my second account, but for some weird reason, it doesn't have access to Factions anymore, and Customer Service needs the Factions account key that used to be on it to be able to help me (which I don't have access to, cause the account went through two people before me. :(
So idk. I'll probably just be generous. :)
ya the key thing got me also, luckly I still had my factions case lying around, it only took about an hour to find tho..
Just to piggy-back on your topic:

The Nightfall Prerelease pack is available at EBGames, GameStop, and I bought mine at EBGames for $5, which I think gets applied to the purchase of the game when it comes out. Considering that you get 2 special items, a strategy guide, a disc loaded with screenshots, trailers, wallpapers, and an extra character slot, it's a bargain. The disc also has the strategy guide in PDF format if anyone wants it.
Strategy guides for MMO's are worthless. :mad:
By the time they publish the thing, everything's changed from when it was written anyway.
They go through a distributer to reduce costs to the publisher. Maintaining a shipping and sales department is expensive and unnecessary for a game company.
Went to Best Buy today and they didnt have a pre-order. Does anyone know if they are going to sell pre-order?

I went to Best Buy a while back looking for the prerelease and they said the only thing they have is that you can preorder the game on their website.
I went to Best Buy a while back looking for the prerelease and they said the only thing they have is that you can preorder the game on their website.

Bummer, Bestbuy is the closest place to here, guess ill have to ask my dad if i can use his credit card and order it online from somewhere.
I have a question about the pre-release. I bought mine at GameStop on Sunday. I got home and I loaded the key into my account, but I don't have the extra slot. Any idea why it doesn't show up? Does it not show up until Nightfall is releases/or loaded onto my computer? :confused:

Thanks! :)
They wont show up untill the preview event shortly before release. You will get 2 slots when the event begins and you will lose access to those slots at the end of the event until you input a retail key. If you dont put the key in within a short period those slots will be deleted.
Wouldn't it be convenient if you could buy through the Guild Wars store? Nah........too easy.

well ya, they have to think about the middle man, i mean geeze how would you feel in Anet just excluded you out and sold it from themselves. Come on WOOT TO THE MIDDLEMAN!!!! :p :p

BTW: i do wish that the Guildwars store had stuff you can buy from. well i should be wishing, i've never been there so... :o ok then... um.. bye!
You can buy extra character slots from there, for example.

ya i've heard that, just to give me more GW time, (and to increase a post count :D) how much does a new slot cost?? Thanks and WOOT TO THE NIGHTFALL!