Next tryouts for comp team?

K!nG NoT}{!nG

New Member
When are the next tryouts scheduled?  I'm going to be in Indiana without access to a computer with CS for 1-2 weeks...  I'd rather not miss out.
Anyone interested in the next tryouts, it'll probably be within the next 2-3 weeks. I'd like to at least practice/scrimmage with the current members a few times before we /may/ bring on another member. So, those interested, email and we'll get it taken care of. After that, you'll hear from me alittle before the tryouts, thanks!
the format for tryouts has changed since the last two had sketchy attendance.

if you want a tryout from now on, here's the procedure.

1) contact me ( )

2) you will be notified of the available practice dates that you can attend.

3) you pick a date

4) you join the comp team in a practice

5) you get the yes/no within a week after the practice you attended.

Let me remind you guys, that skill is not the most important thing for this team OR even pubbing in our server. The end all is not your kill to death ratio.

ToJ CS has been established as a MINISTRY, and if we can have fun doing it, then thats just gravy.

Save your trash talk for team practices, and while we are pubbing lets do our best to be examples of Christ.

much love.
<3 I love trash talk for practices

Can I be the official trash talker for toj?
Usually when you trash talk, you have to back it up with something =\ DOH!! , he said save the trash talk for practices