Even a year afterwards the price of the PS2 was $200 and almost $300 in some areas.
The xBox 360 is also crashing, overheating and in some cases scratching the CD's themselves. The have had a rough start and i am enjoying Microsofts failure. (But i feel sorry for the people who spent $350 buying a "Nicely Equipped" 360 and even more so for the people who bought the "Cheap" 360 and ill eventually have to spend more money to keep up.) Ever since they bought Rareware and imo screwed up Perfect Dark i have hated Microsoft with an unbridled passion. I think the Revolution will do much better than the game cube since this Nintendo uses real CD's this time (good work Nintendo) and the "Remote" looks cool too.
I think i will buy the Revolution and stay away from Sony any Microshaft, once the price goes down and when the have some good games out. But for now i am content on my computer.