
A quick reminder to those who haven't done it yet.

The new website for Legacy of Elijah is

Please make sure you sign up so you can stay
up to date on our guild events,class advice,prayer requests and bible study.

I will announce a reminder in guild chat periodically for those who don't check forums often or have busy schedules and only have limited game time.

If you have any questions feel free to ask myself or any of our officers.
We will be glad to assist you
Thanks and happy gaming
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Great site! Just FYI, the home page is bursting its seams. The right side is getting pushed out by some modules and it looks kinda cheese for a landing page to be off center. That should be an easy fix. Rest of it looks sharp, I like the theme.
Agreed on the homepage bit...had noticed that but also have ultra-wide monitors. Gonna remove some of the duplicate/unneeded modules there to get it down to 2 columns. Dragonhawk did a great job setting that up, just looking to modify a bit and get some activity going. So far it's really nice having not just forums but event calendar and social features.
I threw an application in. I haven't played GW2 in a while. I'm not even sure if Kali or Ezra are still guilded or if I got house-cleaned out.