New to PvP

Prophet Elhanan

New Member
Ok, so I'm new to playing PvP on this type of game. My question is, is there ANY profession that only has access to Prophecies and Eye of the North that can win in random and/or team arenas? If so what would that build look like? Thanks for what ever help you can give.

Every profession, save Rits/Sins and Para/Derv, can use only Proph/EotN skills to win in RA. The problem is finding out what those skills are. Having half the skills does make it challenging. Especially because EotN doesn't have that many PvP-available skills. (EotN mainly has those PvE-only skills).

RA is mainly dependent on a good healer. Any team can win if they have a better healer than the other team. However, healing isn't going to kill the other players. I seem to recall you being a monk, monks can boast a very strong Proph only skill bar. And EotN has a couple really good monk spells (Patient Spirit is a stable in every healing bar now). And you can never go wrong with a standard WoH. If you want a healer's template pm me in-game or on here and I'll see what i can come up with.

As for other professions, its a shot in the dark (for me at least). SS is a good necro skill that should be in Tyria. Throwing a couple cover hexes on top of that and that should keep a warrior away (unless the healer has PnH).

I found a handy little proph only warrior bar on wiki. It was listed as "Great" for GvG a long while back. With a self-heal in there and some Defense, it shouldn't be too bad. knockdowns are killer in PvP, don't be afraid to use them.

Eles are a tough one for EotN/Proph. Because most eles go fire, but Prophecies only has one Fire Elite. It isn't a bad elite, but the exhaustion that goes with it pushes me away. I would stay away from eles for now, until you get NF.

Mesmers have a plethora of decent interrupt elites. Migraine and Power Block are good choices. Used with a cover hex and another interrupt or two and it should keep a monk guessing. Although mesmers are pretty exposed when it comes to damage so be sure to protect yourself.

Idk if I helped at all, but it does make it difficult to get a good bar with only half the skills. But it is definitely doable. If you want to play around with bars a little bit, try and flag me down in-game and we can get something rolling for you.
Thanks Stc95 - that was helpful. I am beginning to explore builds for PvP as well.

Anyone with input - it would be appreciated.