New Temporary Server


I have set up a temporary server so that toj members can once again play together, all past admins have admin acess but there are no passwords when you log into the server your steam i d will automatically have acess. Ip is or

See you around,
27015 but you shouldnt need it, is the static ip that will not change when you go into steam go to servers and add server ip and just copy and paste or type it in
Only if you are trying to ping the server or are trying to connect to it through console. I just added "" to my favorites and the server came up and I connected to it without any problems.
hescominsoon gfc ip works when i put in and that doesnt have a port and when i put in the other one it also comes up
correct with the server viewing, as long as its the default 27015 port. I would run a server, but with my cable, it starts laggin at 5 connections.
mmm... it is tomorrow... i'm waiting to get on. :D

eh, give us an update when its up! :p
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He's using CentOS 4.2 x86, based off of RHEL 4 (stable and good for servers)

I had to blow out server installation and re do it all over again cause it was being picky. Anyway, its up, and after some bandwidth tests on the internet line, 12 slots total should be very easy to host (he could host 20 slots at 10000 rate if he wanted to, but it would max out upload).

It is configured with the following things:
adminmod v.2.50.60
metamod v.1.18
hlguard v1.8
logmod (i.e. log impressive custom sounds plugin)
steambans v2.5 linux client

coupled with high speed downloading.

Admins, shane will be working on rebuilding the adminmod users.ini file (since we lost it on last server incident)
mmm, could we do a 14 or 16 man server? :p

I find that servers not rarely, but don't frequently reach 20 people.

but 10 people is kind of small. not to be picky,

anyway, thanks! :D :D :p
If you use HLSW, you will see server is 12 slots, with 2 admin reserve slots. And the server will be as big as the upload can take, this is not renting a server from a company. They dont give u shell or ssh access :D
Depending on how well it runs with 12 if its stable it will be updated by 2 but the highest it will reach is 15 or 16
murg. ok. btw, BIG QUESTION

WHY on earth in everyone's profile, are people playing SOLITAIRE for like 10 hours plus? isn't it boooring?!?!!?!?

:eek: :confused: