New Start for MSC


New Member
Hey everybody. I have been in MSC for over a year, and I am very happy to be the new guild leader. Obviously, the guild is fairly dead at the moment, but I'm forming a core group that will begin recruiting this weekend.

There are obviously lots of things to update as we go along, so I ask your patience as we update the website, the in-game guild information, etc.

In the mean time, if you every want to roll horde, make a horde alt, or recommend horde-loving Christian friends, they now have a place to go that is ToJ administered.

Let me know either through PM or in-game ("Uzzo") if I can be of any assistance, or answer any questions.

Thanks, and God bless!
HUZZAH! Glad to see MSC up and running again. I'm available, as always, to provide chapter staff members with what they need to help the guild grow.

I would like to come visit and run a few quests with you all, but I doubt Blizzard would give me a free subscription to WoW and the 14-day trial doesn't allow for joining guilds.
That would be on Blade's Edge, Horde side. We have a little bit of a hiccup in transferring the guild leadership, as the person currently holding the keys and I have had some trouble in meeting up. As soon as I can become the in-game leader, we'll start some recruiting and ministry. I have a leadership group in place, and we should be ready to go.

I'm going to be focusing our recruitment on players not in ToJ, but of course we'll love to have some alts and re-rolls from other ToJ guilds.
Returning... :)

Hey Uzz,

Glad to see the Horde side is getting some love. :) I am thinking of returning to WoW although to warn you up front, I am going to have to start from the ground up and I am a casual player. :) But I would love to come and help out if i can in terms of getting the guild up and going. :) I will try to hop on sometime this week before Christmas and get into the guild. :) THANKS!! God bless! Love your verse by the way!:D
Hey thanks! To tell a family secret, I'm more of a casual player as well. I like going on the occasional raid, but I find the 3 days a week, 4 hours per raid, schedule a bit too close to a "job" for my liking. I tend to play a lot of hours, but at odd hours. As we grow, I hope to assign others the job of being the raid leaders so I can focus more on directly ministry-oriented activities.

At the moment, we have 4 tabs full of leveling gear, and a heaping pile of gold for leveling help. We also have a group of 3 all around 26-28 that are going through all the old-world dungeons. Let me know if I can help!
Man Id love to roll Horde but I need a PvP server! If anyone ever decides to roll Horde on a PvP server let me know.

a Horde guild on Stonemaul would be cool! :)
Glad to see the Horde side is getting some love. :) I am thinking of returning to WoW although to warn you up front, I am going to have to start from the ground up and I am a casual player.
Excellent! When you roll a character and join, add Rutendo to your Friends list. (He's my Orc Shaman, currently at level 5.)
I am a huge horde fan, more so than alliance. I would love to come over and help out with what ever i can. I would have to start from scratch, and I am still awaiting my confirmation to join the ToJ family, but non the less I would love to come join you on the horde side!
I am still awaiting my confirmation to join the ToJ family, but non the less I would love to come join you on the horde side!
Looks like you're on the Tribe of Judah roster, so you're good to go.

Now you just need an invite in-game. :) If I played, I'd be happy to send an invite, but you'll need to find an Officer on Blade's Edge to request an invite. You can search for an officer by typing /who Mustard in-game and sending anyone marked as a member of Mustard Seed Conspiracy a tell.
I would echo the above, and also mention that you could send me a personal message through the forum to make sure you meet up with one of the three players in the guild (including myself) who have guild recruit priveleges.
It's been a long time since I logged on my MSC toon - don't think that I'm still in MSC. Jadetine, 45 Undead Warrior. Glad to see it coming back :)
You're welcome anytime, and if you're not still in the guild, one of us can send out that invite quickly. For the Horde! :)
Hey I was in MSC for a few months way back when, before I had to quit wow...although I am still praying about coming back...I wouldn't mind helping out if needed. :) I currently have no toons, but when i am able to jump back in I will create some Horde(s) for MSC, and enjoy the fun! :)
Hey i just found you guys. I have 2 80s on the horde side. I would really like to play with other Christians so if your starting this up and it will be active then i would be interested
@Logos: It will be great to have you! Hit up Uzzo or Ozzu (his evil DK twin) anytime in game for a guild invite.

@mindraider: Love to have you as well. Honestly though, if you need a guild with more than 2-3 on a time, this may not be the time to join. We have 10 or so active members, but there are some odd work schedules, meaning that often we're busiest late at night. Not trying to dissuade you in any way, just trying to be forthright.