New Spamming Thread....

Linky1 =

Before Meli willingly posted her Pic, GP did an interpretation of what Meli would look like. Linky1, is that interpretation.

One of our LAN parties for Battlefield 1942 back in 2004. Some of the people there came in from Washington, Oregon, and northern and southern California.

GGH great green heroin right?

i'm an admin on their CS:S deathmatch server.

small world
lol, not Heroin, Heron. And yep, I know you. This is [GGH]Phobos, one of the admins for the Battlefield series. It really is a small world. :)
Holy moly, so you are Mastablasta! Man, what are the odds that we would both be admins on another server / website, and have toons in a Guild on one of many servers for WoW without ever knowing it? Too funny.
ha i was crusin threw the thread and saw the lan party pic n i was all, "wait, i've seen that before.."
