New SHort Stories From Soma Games


New Member
Hey folks, not quite sure just where to put this post but I was hoping to get some feedback on some short stories we just published on our website.

I'm really feeling like its important for Soma Games to 'find our voice' so to speak and I thought a good way to do was to start putting out a few short stories set in each game world and start to fill in some of the back story.

I'd really appreciate anybody who could swing by the site, read a story or two and post some feedback right there.
I read the one about Abaddon and the Dragon, a really compelling story with a good bit of originality. I left a short critique on your forum. You are always welcome to post you ongoing story work here as well if you are looking for further critique and commentary. And I hope you'll consider participating in our monthly flash fiction writing as well - it would be great for you as well as the aspiring writers on this forum.
