Prayer Angel, Moderator
Hi guys,

It seems that God has led me to become the prayer newsletter organizer, etc. I hope to do it for His glory.
If you haven't taken the time to sign up please do so. You can find the link in the general prayers in the main cga area.
The first newsletter will be posted in forums after that you will need to suscribe. We are not going to spam emails or anything but are hoping to send out a new letter each week.

My ideas also include a weekly prayer and I am hoping some of you will be interested in becoming "guest prayer-ers".
I have contacted some of you for help in this and am open for more people to help. You can contact me here in forums either in this thread or IM me or you can send me an email at I also have an xfire acct named angelri. In game KOT leaders pretty much know how to reach me if im not logged into KOT.

The excitement and blessings just so far are quite unreal as well as several devil. But God always wins out in the long run. Keep praying.

Blessings "Angel"