New NS2 host


CGA\TOJ Hosting Manager
Due to the problems i have had to work around on my vm host cga NS server ios getting the fast track on some of the upgrades i mentioned. I'm saving up for a new chassis and cpu. The new systme is going to have a quad core 3.1 ghz ivy bridge or haswell xeon...:) This should mean at least a couple or fe more slots. NO hard timetable but it's coming soon as i save up the cash...The other part of hte upgrade..the raid card that will enable me to switch to vmware is now a low priority this large increase in cpu mhz should greatly enhance the experinece for hte cga folks and others who like to play ns2..:)
The new host has been ordered. Due to criticality of the situation i am having to stick with hyper-v for now as the raid card(due to the expense) would ahve meant a significant dealy in deployment...however a jump from 2.4 ghz to 3.1 ghz should help the ns2 experience quite a bit..:) The new host arrives in about 2 weeks..:)
I have the new host chassis here now..:) I'm going to schedule downtime this weekend for the transfer and installation...:)
vm's are loaded and the new host is up and running. cga now has 3.1 ghz of power dedicated to the cga vm..:)