new contest


New Member
well after the sucsess of the aw contest im goingto put together a new one but thistime the prize will be (1)giftcard for itunes and posabley a world of warcraft timecard for 60 days. now i would love some input on this.and i havegot the a ok from tek and cgamer(Alhana). and i need some input on what to collect. and eveything that would be collected would be sold in the ah and give the gold to the guildbank
If it is going to be collections: Then make it an item per skill. If you do just heavy leather, then all the herbalists and miners miss out. This is a good idea. I'll have to put some thought to it.
How about something totally unskill related like stacks of cloth, linen, wool, silk, mageweave and runecloth or individiual felcloth? Sells well and all levels can participate.
How about a lvl 1 race around the world with people from the guild being checkpoints. We could also have partners like amazing race.....
I like Levite's idea, but a lvl 1 race would be hard, b/c you would pull so much agro... but just have a level 60 there for help and to kill things, or just have a level 20-39 race with a 60 there for help. I think that would be awesome. Have 3-4 people on a team and like 20 teams and have somebody wait in an area and give quests for people to do. Then the people go do the quests like gather 20 wool cloth or sumen and come back and turn it in and then the team gets sent on their way to another location and quest. All proceeds will go to the guild bank... I think that would be really fun
Got another idea for ya to think about. How about a guild "duke em out" contest. Basically a dueling tournament for our guild members to compete against one another in. We could set level settings for the tourney, basically 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-59, and 60's. You could create a "buy-in" to compete, perhaps a different amount based on each level so that its fair. The buy-in could be done more than once, so its not a single elimination tournament, meaning you could have more than once chance to win it. There would have to be a limit on buy-ins though so as not to drag the tourney out too long. We could also have the tourney over a period of time instead of making people have to work it into their schedules in one day. We could setup duels as people could do them to fit in their own timeframes. We could have winners of every bracket, splitting some of the money used to buy-in to the tourney with the bank and the winners. We would have to lay some ground rules for the duels, such as trinkets or no trinkets, bandaids and potions, and buffs from other classes and whatnot. We would also need some referee's to help out. Of course there needs to be more thought behind this all but its one of the fun things i wanted to expound on. More ideas??
ok well here is my consept
lv rang for
1-60 (only have one giftcard for now)

and the list downbelow eveything in each secsen will be worth x amount of gold to make it easy. eveything must be a full stack exsept shards. so lets say 10 light leather=1 stack and it is listed as 1gold downbelow so 1point
no now i tryed to make it as balenses as posable so that lv 10's can win just got to work a little harder. the time limet would be one month and would have to get as maney points to win. if as a whloe collect someting 5,000+ points il give the winner a world of warcraft timecard for (60) days. but that number could change depends how far we are mid way. and right now im still desiding on weather you can donate a gold for a points. and remembers all of this stuff will beafit you in the long run. most if it is going to the redeemed bank

1 gold.
light leahter
liene cloth
strange dust
grater magic essence
Small Glimmering Shard

2 gold
med leather
Wild Steelbloom
Grave Moss
Large Glimmering Shard
soul dust
Greater Astral Essence

heavy leather
gold /iron

Khadgar's Whisker
Purple Lotus
Vision Dust
Small Radiant Shard
Greater Mystic Essence
think leahter

Ghost Mushroom
Arthas' Tears
Golden Sansam
Large Radiant Shard
deam dust

rugged leahter
Mountain Silversage
Black Lotus
Illusion Dust
Large Brilliant Shard
Greater Eternal Essence
Hm, what about a contest that a casual player has a chance of winning? I wasn't able to feasibly compete in the last contest because other guild members had more time to farm materials than I did. WoW already punishes casual players and rewards addicted players. We have an opportunity to, just for a day, break that trend and make the playing field even. How we would do that, though, I have no idea. /blush

And whatever we decide on, participating in the contest should be fun--whether the participant wins or loses. Grinding for mats, at least to me, sounds like a terrible bore. Elihu's "deathmatch" idea sounds more appealing, even though I know I'd get smeared by level 39s.

I thought about holding a personal contest, where I ask guild members to post their best short story involving a White Kitten, and giving a White Kitten away as first prize. But I don't know if there'd be much interest for such an interest.
yes im trying to make it fun i dont want people to go out and guy gold online like some people like um SHANE lol
of course level 1s would draw so much agro....thats the whole point! Can you and another team member get across azeroth? We could do the race in time peroids say like 1 or 3 hours of racing and then we will stop for the day and log off the characters. During the 1 or 3 hour session a team could choose to level up or choose to race to the finish line. Starting place could be silverpine forest we would need a lock to port everyone there. Once eveyone is there let the race begin! Finish line would be Darnassus. Please post your thoughts
the race would be an awsome idea, and the only way to make it fair would be to have everyone be level 1 to start, that way the hunters and druids won't have a huge advantage.

I really like Elihu's idea of a tourny, the only thing is that I have a non-guildie that I would like to enter, but as long as I could do that I would love to do some PvP.
Lets have a GRAND GUILD TOURNAMENT!!! May the strongest win! All levels can fight as long fight someone else around there own level. It would be cool to use a coliseum like place to watch our guildies fight toe to toe with one another in epic arena battle!
ok well i love the lv 1 race so i forgot i have a $50 itunes giftcard so i can use the $15 on for the race and the $50 for the contest
Something i was involved with was .......At Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale. There were 40 people that were randomly put into groups of 5 people each group. The groups of 5 people then battled each other. Group A battled group B ......Group C battled group D ........the winner or loosers of the two groups would battle each other...etc.

The interesting thing is that the random teams could end you up with some unusual teams ..and it would be up to your group to find a plan to make your team win....this could be a mixture of toon lvls and still possibly win depending on the stratagy.

The Arena automtically made the 2 teams at odds to each other to be able to fight..... After the initial battles ...teams could be randomed all over again......This gets people talking and working with each other. Each team could be in a different channel of ventrillo.

This was alot of fun when I was involved with it ....and you learned alot about each other.
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