New Christian!

Wh1te Out

New Member
I'd like to say a big "Thank you" to the Lord for really touching my wife yesterday. As we told Tek when we joined, she is somewhat new to Christianity but a believer nonetheless. Well, we attended church together for the first time in ages yesterday (making that step toward a complete renewal for me and a committment for her) and God really touched her.

To make what could be a very long story short, she accepted Jesus fully yesterday. She told me in the car that she just "felt so powerful and strong" and that she wanted to be a part of that feeling. Ironically, Saturday night we had a discussion about what each of us had guilt in our hearts about. On Sunday morning the preacher threw out his planned sermon and smoke briefly on conviction. He was speaking directly to us... no doubt about it.

We are both extremely thrilled about having this place to fellowship with you all and get to know you. It's such a huge help when you aren't surrounded by Christians in your daily life. We should always strive to be encouraging to one another because we are brothers and sisters.

Anyway, congrats to Tami (Bella of Mountlake). She is as sincere about this as anyone could ever be, but it is definitely new and all of your prayers and encouragement will go a long way (for both her and myself).
Fantastic, that is so exciting! Praise our Lord who has adopted a new sister into His family. Now the battle really begins eh? GW has nothing on real spiritual warfare.
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Yes! Praise the Lord for His awesome work in our lives and the power of His Spirit in our hearts! I will keep both of you in my prayers! Welcome to the family Tami!
Before I get to the non essential stuff. That is so awesome when one comes to the FAther and is a child of the King again!!!

Now about that sermon...

Mr_Slice said:
On Sunday morning the preacher threw out his planned sermon and smoke briefly on conviction.

Do I need to look at changing how I preach? I have heard of really smoking but i always thought it was a figure of speech....