Need help with timed CoS run...


New Member
Hey peeps-
I would like to aquire an epic flying mount. I know that timed CoS is one of the best ways of getting one. So, can we schedule some runs?
Also, whats the next easiest epic flying mount to get ahold of?
Will Da Shammy =)
I didnt know a times CoS run would have a chance of giving off an epic mount.


Imo the easiest way to get a mount itself would be... to just buy one. The armored gryphons are only 190g. (Though at the moment you still need to spend 1000g for basic flying, 5000 for advanced flying and 1000 for cold weather flying.)
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I bought my nether ray for like 100g during BC... But you gotta be exalted. And yes the timed CoS run always drops a drake, if you beat the timer. A ton of people in the guild have them lol. I got mine the first run... I can help out if you need it.
Nice, I want one too lol!

Ive been buying those eggs from the Sholazar Frog people and wearing the Wyrmcrest tabard for a while now -_-.
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Yeah I think the drakes are cool, but the proto drakes are even better haha. I think I'm gonna go for the achievement "glory of the hero" and get the red proto drake.
The timed CoS run drops a drake every time if you can do it. I've tanked it three times successfully, getting myself and two other people drakes. I'll tank for you, just pst me when I'm on, and if I'm able, I'll run it!
The acheivements for getting every heroic or every regular Ulduar acheivment gives a Proto Drake with 310% speed not that slow 280%
I've done the Timed COS run enough times I should have the mount...but I roll under 20 and the other 4 who also are on the run to get the mount all roll over 80. This mount is not for me.