need comp help


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member

ok i built a computier for a friend, i had everything hooked up but the hd and started it up, i got into cmos and changed a few settings. then plugged the hd in. aparently it wouldt start after that. i got a replacement power supply cuz i thought i blew the power supply (it was 300w new one is 500) and i installed the powers supply and now it still woint work. i hit the button and nothing at all..... did i fry the mobo too?
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hescominsoon said:
you plugged hte hdd in with the system powred on? If so yes there is a distinct possibility the mobo is fried. Try unplugging hte hdd AFTER turning off hte power and try powering hte machine back up.
rofl, no i didt plug it in while it was running i turned it off then plugged it in.
i did a bunch of tests and tried a freaking ton of just gonna have to send it back and pray warrantys cover me >_< im also gonna send back the radeon and the sound card
Leave the cable unplugged from the wall for about 20 seconds. Also, check to see if your mobo is grounded - you don't want it to be. If it is, there's a chance it's fried, but you still may be able to save it. Lastly, make sure the on/off switch wires inside the box are connected to the right place in the mobo - and sometimes the manual is wrong, lol, so you'll just have to test it and see.
i checked the grounded thing and the cables. ive had that ground issue happen before, and the mobo said : pwrswtch and thats where i put that little wire. edit: ok maybe i didt check the ground but it worked O_O. it all works. THANKYOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!! and thanks bowser for that input.

however a new proplem arises....... it takes bout 2 min to read the ide stuff and and another 2 to get past the dmi pool data. then it says that XP isnt loaded even though i installed that and got into xp and installed software then it needed to reboot. and now im having issues...... have i told u guys how much i love u :D
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