Need an invite


New Member
I have several characters on Percival/Albion. I'd like to add my new reaver, Zhakran (among others), to the guild if possible.

Welcome exodus. When in the game do a /who Trinity. Any member who is in the same area as you should be able to do the invite. We look forward to getting to know you. Welcome to the family.

Let me get this straight. All members of the guild are able to invite? Or is a certain guild rank required.

I hope to get back to percival soon.

Alfadur Berean
If I remember correctly, the very first rank that people are invited into cannot invite. Rank 9 (forget title). But from Rank 8 and up, you have invite priviledges, just not promotion priviledges.
Aye sheep cannot invite but disciples and up can. If you've been in the guild more then 30 days and you're still sheep..rank 9 see Jaz for a promotion as sheep is supposed to be a temporary rank for new members. Also keep in mind that we always send new prospective members to our site to sign up first so they know what we are about and where to access thelatest guild info before we do an actual invite.