Need a new officer or dedicated...

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New Member
...person or 2 who can invite to the guild. There are a lot of people asking for alt invites and there have been a few new people who haven't been able to join the guild due to the inactivity or standard playing hours of our current leadership ranked folks. One person in particular can only play at nights and he hasn't been able to get an alt invite for over 3 weeks now. Thanks for listening. -Bill ( nope, not Shadowbill )
I am needing an invite (for 2 days) to for the first time in on WoW's ToJ, and I would agree that someone should be allowed even at the least invite ability.

Thanks guys.
I know I am getting a little tired of answering "nope, no ifficers online right now" had to do it again this morning :P

so... yeah.. I know we added peeps to do recruiting.. lets just try and get the word out... BLU NO CAN DO INVITE!!!!!!

Good news is it's a new quarter. Maybe the leadership will let everyone vote in active members instead of the inactive leadership we have now. #notaprilfools
I have no issue with the officers we have, as long as they are online :)

This is ACTUALLY GOOD NEWS! we have people trying to get in the guild and MORE active...

This is a good thing...
I'm generally online in the mornings and late nights. I realize that's not ideal for most people, but its what I have available.
We've taken care of the officer issue. We have Keero, Skjota, Echelon, and my self are regularly online currently.
That's impossibru
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