Naming question...


New Member
Here a few questions (which you may have already seen on, which is a really impressive site).

Q1 I see some players with some cool characters in ther name (greek lettering, germanic, etc.). Does anyone know how to do that? I find it annoying to type, but sometimes I am looking for someone and cannot type their name (and want to be able to do so).

Q2 Is this our primary forum or should I focus on I must say that I am really impressed with

Q3 I really miss playing with you guys. Is it too much to ask that I be re-invited... again?

See you guys soon.

A1. There are two ways to do this. If you are using a Windows machine, under Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Character Map, you can scroll through characters and choose the one you want. You can also hold down the Alt key and on your NumPad, punch in 4 random numbers (or if you actually know the numbers) and a symbol will appear.

A2. I think that this is the forums that we use the most. redeemedonstonemaul is primarily for other things right now like a list a what's in our bank, our raid progression, etc.

A3. I'm sure we could. Just send a tell to a Co-GL or a recruiter and they can help you out.

I figured odale would have a link, didnt know it would be sent through Baddwin:p
sorry for the terseness, i'm in the middle of a spam battle with wall..

It did not feel terse. Spam battle with wall? Please tersely elaborate.

Oh, and thanks for the answers. I guess I will figure out how to randomly type in the name I need. LOL.
A1. There are two ways to do this. If you are using a Windows machine, under Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> System Tools --> Character Map, you can scroll through characters and choose the one you want. You can also hold down the Alt key and on your NumPad, punch in 4 random numbers (or if you actually know the numbers) and a symbol will appear.

A2. I think that this is the forums that we use the most. redeemedonstonemaul is primarily for other things right now like a list a what's in our bank, our raid progression, etc.

A3. I'm sure we could. Just send a tell to a Co-GL or a recruiter and they can help you out.


I had no idea about the character map feature in windows. Wish I could print it. "Æ" is the one I need.
so the forum geeks are just being terse when they give answers like that? I didnt know that:p