Mystic Twister Spike build


Legacy of Elijah Officer
He Who Likes Arrows (Amicus Dei of FoG) PM'ed me with this dervish build:

It looks like an interesting spike. Down side is attack power after the echos expire and against groups who spread out quickly.

Any comments or thoughts? Would we want to try this or something like it?
That spike team is actually a Me/D team for the Fast Casting, and they carry scythes so that pressing spacebar moves you into range of the spike skill.
While discussing it with him we decided on some pros and cons:
It may work well on altar capping maps like Broken Tower and the Hall of Heroes because the enemies (most importantly, the Ghostly Hero) will cluster up on the altar (the altar is roughly the area of the spike skill's effect).
It may work well on relic running maps because spikers have a speed boost and we can kill their Ghostly Hero and their team as they try to take our relic.
It has very high damage output and the spike can be repeated 3 times every twelve seconds until the echo runs out.
The monks have many enchantments so that the spike skill can affect more enemies in the area.
The spike can be powerful enough to take out enemies even if a few spikers have died or Mystic Twister has been disabled.

It might have trouble taking out teams in open maps such as the Underworld, where teams have room to spread out more and get out of range of the spike.
It will have issues under high speed enchantment removal since the spike skill only hits 1 enemy in range per enchantment.
If the enemy team has more than 9 (including the Ghostly Hero), the spike may not be as affective because it targets random people in the area and not all the spikers will have enough enchantments to affect all nearby enemies.
There is a massive lack of damage when we aren't spiking.
Bad spiking may lead to losses because monks will have time to react.
Being mesmers, the spikers have very low armor and are prone to dying.

If you can think of any more good and bad attributes of this build, please post them and help us find ways to fix the bad things.
i just looked over the pro's and con's really quick. to me, it doensnt look that great. but i think the concept of it is nice. it is something that SoE can definatly tweak and use it well.