My Sabbatical

I don't suppose... that my "extended absence" (reference HERE) (which has now turned into, oh, about 10 months) has kicked me from the guild. Not that I could be at all surprised...

Actually, before I don't suppose that, I should begin with not supposing that anyone remembers me to begin with (wow, that's confusing). I'm trying to get back into Guild Wars now that my life has slowed down (relatively), and I've gotten FPS out of my system.

*awkward pause*

Sooooooo... how's everybody?

-Chadley Bradley
Welcome back! I remember you. It has been a while though. When we split the guild into Spirit of Elijah and Spirit of Elisha, we eliminated the need to kick anyone out of the guild, neither is full yet. However, if you got kicked before that split, just send me, or one of the other officers, a whisper and request an invite. Manyik(Rho/Kel/Popcorn), dorkelf/maidmirawyn and myself can all invite you to either sub-guild.

Have you gotten either of the new chapters yet? If so, let us know if you need any help with the new professions or areas, or any of the original stuff, for that matter.
Wow, it's very encouraging to know I'm remembered. :D My character is still Chadley Bradley, but since it's been so long, I've started over on Prophecies.

Actually, I've been debating my class for awhile now. I had my R/Me going, but I'm planning on buying Factions (prolly later today) to get some Assassin into the mix. Right now, I've started with Mo/R (interestingly, it was my original combo back during the first beta), but I'm not sure if I want to keep it. Any ideas? What goes well with Assassin? (This is for PvE btw)

i like the A/R combo as a Critical Barrage, using your critical strikes with barrage and being ranger instead of a sin, but if u want a more melee fighter than im not really sure
At first the name didn't click, and THEN I saw your avatar. :)

Welcome back!

Anywho, am I among one of the rare people who have either "Invited by Sydney Ablaze" (me) "Invited by Lana of Mountlake" or "Invited by Silver Sand" on their name? Who else still has that? All I see now is "Invited by" and one of the newer officers.
Welcome BACK!! I certainly Remeber you!! Love to have a guy back that posts in forums!!
At first the name didn't click, and THEN I saw your avatar. :)

Welcome back!

Anywho, am I among one of the rare people who have either "Invited by Sydney Ablaze" (me) "Invited by Lana of Mountlake" or "Invited by Silver Sand" on their name? Who else still has that? All I see now is "Invited by" and one of the newer officers.

I'm not certain, C$, but I am one of maybe 3-4 people who have "Invited by Silver Sand" next to their name. BTW, of those three, Lana and Sydney are still active in ToJ. Lana (Wh1teOut) is active in the XBox chapter, and Sydney (ewoksrule) went over to the dark side (WoW).
Well, darn, I wish I could remember what I used to have by my name. Not even sure what I'd be likely to have back in, I guess, January. Oh well, though, from now on, I'm gonna have "Invited by Fiona Dredd." Looking forward to fighting with you all again soon!

I was one of the lucky few to be:
"Invited by Silver Sand"

man... I've been in this guild forever. I think during the beta events.
I remember, some girl on ccgr got me to join (she's long gone now, I'm still here).
kinda feel bad I do so little with the guild, being one of the oldest members here.
I was invited by "Lana of Mountlake" before Syd was even an officer. Mr. Wh1te had posted a thread on GWGuru forums asking if anyone knew of any Christian guilds. Evidently he was already in this one, but it helped me find this place.

On a side note, it was sad how quickly that thread was flamed then deleted from GWGuru, but I guess it served it's purpose.
Hey whats a Sabbatical?

Dont mock me cause im special.
BTW: i was invited by Dea. Ya im a young one so what. 3 months. as long as im in it, eh?
A "sabbatical" is when I'm really busy last February, so I decide to stop playing Guild Wars for a little while till things slow down. Then 10 months later, I randomly show up on the guild hall doorstep having squandered my money on Star Wars Galaxies and FPSs and begging to at least be a hired henchman because I was no longer worthy to be called a Member, but then Dredd kills a fattened grawl. (Mmk, so that might be a more dramatic interpretation... :p )

and I'm left grumbling because Dredd never killed even a fattened imp for me.
and I've never left the guild.
Being raised in the church I alway did sympathize with the brother that stayed more than the brother that left. After you get past the grumbling there is a very strong message there that I need to be reminded of often and have yet to hear a sermon on. It is that we "comfortable Christians" used to having all Gods blessings around us forget to use them.

Ephesians 1 tells us what we have accesses to
3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. ............ 6 So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. 7 He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. 8 He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.

Note the past tense of "has" being used in this verse. He has already given us with "every blessing".

In 2 Samuel 5 it shows a what one person did with it
David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years. . (description of him taking Jerusalem as his capital).....And he became more and more powerful, because the LORD God Almighty was with him.

I want the same to be said of me some day.

So stop waiting for someone else to kill the fatted grawl. Your Father owns the grawl on a thousand hills. Enjoy what you've already been given and have your own party. Woot! :D

Kel Queen of all Europe
I want the same to be said of me some day.
Kel Queen of all Europe
see women are trying to take over the world! AHH!

well Chadley you are always welcome with open arms. And as Christians we are not supposed to resent or judge you for taking a break from a videogame. if anything we should congradulate you for sorting out your life better suited to _______ AND still have time to blow on GW.

of course that will never happen :D