my mom thinks wow is from the devil

okay im going to be serious. i live in a christian home (well i think my mom takes it a little to serious), im a normal advid gamer. i just recently started playing wow in december. my dad didnt have a problem with it, he's the normal type of dad. but last night while i was playing with my cousin, my mom walked in while i was logging in, and she literally said that game is from the devil. she blames me for all the evil that goes on in the house, because i play wow, and she also said shes going to report me to my pastor. when i woke up this afternoon i found my moms bible open on Corinthians and the first page i see is Under Enemy Attack. is my mom being unethical? what should i do?
I will give you some input ... since you asked ;)

Sit down and talk with your mother. Ask her to help you set some boundaries she is comfortable with such as how much time you play and perhaps try to understand any sensitivities she may have. Let me be a little more firm - while you live at home you need to obey your parents, even if you don't agree with them. Do not be rebellious in your actions, or in your heart.

Also, talk it over with your dad and get input from him.

I would challenge you to use this situation to bring unity and harmony in your house rather then division, and the resentment that can happen.

Make sense?
Demetrius (Kevin)
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Wow, your mom's strict!
My mom really doesn't have a problem with most of my games. She even bought Doom 3 for me (I'm not old enough to buy M-rated games myself).
Really the only problem we have is with language and sexuality. But I have different views on language then my mom.
oh yeah i forgot to say we're a filipino christian family. so yeah my mom is very strict and serious when it comes to the lord. but yeah my dad could careless he's very laid back.
Kevin gave you sound advice. The thing you should do is obey your parents as the Lord commands. This is just a game and is not worth causing division in your family.

I agree with Angie and Kevin. Talk this over with your mother, there is something that is fundamentally bothering her. Once you talk this through with your family then everyone will be better off. Perhaps a specific image on the screen bothered her, perhaps it was something she read in a chat window? To be honest right now it doesn't matter, what matters is that you resolve this lovingly as quickly as possible. :)

In the meanwhile don't let bitterness build in your heart.
You mentioned that you are from a christian home, but you didn't mention whether you believe in Christ. That may change how you view your mom's concerns.

There are many aspects of this game that can be very concerning, especially to a parent who doesn't play. The class of warlocks (the term used for a male witch) can summon minions (or demons). The horde side has undeads who feast off of dead bodies to regenerate their health/mana. Those are just two of the many things that would be difficult to explain to a non-gamer.

Understand, I am deeply in love with Jesus, I want to please him in what I say, do, and think. I am also an avid gamer. I understand that what I am playing is fantasy and I am unlikely to be impacted by evil in the game, except for the "evil" that the other real players bring to the game - it is an online game. However, your mom is held accountable by God for the influences she allows in your life in the same way that you are accountable to her. Please, follow Kevin's advice, ask your mom what her specific concerns are and see if you come to a peaceful understanding.
Hey. I'm 21, and not a parent, and probably come more from your perspective than a lot of people. I live at least most of the year with my parents, and my mother can be very strict, and she does not like video games as a general rule.

First, let me say that your mom isn't being unethical, she is definitely acting in line with her ethics. What you are asking is, is she overreacting?

I think that she might be, but my question is, what are YOU going to do about it?

Let me explain. As a gamer and Christian, I can assure you that WoW is just a game. However, I also am aware that many people think that "game" means "an object that temporarily suspends reality around the player". The fact is, the things that you do while playing WoW matter just as much as the things that you do at home or at church.

No, I'm not talking about whether you play a warlock or a paladin. Don't be ridiculous. I'm talking about how you act -- Do you represent God, love, and truth, or do you try to escape them and do "your own thing".

Whether or not WoW is a source of evil is largely up to you. Are you going to act in a responsible manner that would make your Mom proud, or are you going to use WoW to try to escape from your Mom and create a stronghold where you have the freedom to get away from her rules?

I'll warn you, whatever you do in WoW has just as much impact on your life, whether physical, spiritual, or relational, as what you do in "Real life". WoW IS real life. It just happens to be a game in real life. But that doesn't make it any less real.

A possible solution.

So, what do I suggest?

Well, it just so happens that I in fact HAVE been in the same situation as you. Two weeks after I bought WoW, my Mum turned around and told me that she thought it was evil. Currently, I'm well into my second year of WoWing, WITH my Mother's blessing. Here are the steps that I took to get my Mum to look at it differently.

1. First, make SURE that you honor your Mother. FIRST. And, as much as it may suck, that means STOP PLAYING. Just... stop. Don't burn the game or throw it out or anything, just say something like, "Mom, I realize that playing this game bothers you, so I am going to make sure that it is okay before I play it again." and stop.

2. Then, take matters into your own hands. Don't wait for your mom to "report you to your pastor". Call him up yourself and go see him. Take the game, the box, and all the stuff that came with it. Don't hide anything. Let him look at all the pictures he wants to, and let him read any words he wants to. Chances are, he is well respected by your mother, and if he is led by the Holy Spirit, which I sincerly hope he is, he will be able to tell you if God wants you to play the game or not.

Remember, God is a person, just like you or me. He's not just going to screw you over because He is mean or something. God is capable of thinking through things and quite frankly can do so much more effectively than you or I. He told me that I'd get out of WoW what I put in, so I've been working to put good things into it. But, He may tell you that He doesn't want you playing it. Or He may tell you that playing WoW is an integral part of His plan for your life right now. It can't hurt to ask, can it?

3. Listen. If he says it is evil, you're really out of luck, my friend. Remember that it is more important to be at peace with your mom than to be able to play WoW. There are other games out there that you could be playing.

But believe me, if you take the initiative, you will have impressed your Mom that you actually value her, and that will make living with her all the much more easy. If you make her have to drag you, kicking and screaming, to the pastor and then fight you to make you let go of the game, you will simply reinforce the idea in her mind that you are unable to desern good and evil for yourself.

Do the right thing and I hope you get to keep playing, but in either case, DO THE RIGHT THING.

God bless,

Neirai the Forgiven

*PS: I don't think there is such a thing as taking Christianity too seriously. I think what your mom is doing is taking evil too powerfully. Remember, God Is MORE Powerful Than Evil. It is truth!!