My First 80

Abba San

Legacy of Elijah [LoE] - Proud Grandfather
Hallelujah - my first 80!


The Vista overlooking the Benthic Kelp Beds in Mount Maelstrom put me over the top.

My altaholism is preventing me from reaching that goal at the moment. Got to 45 on my Guardian, and was anticipating a couple of weeks until 80, then got inspired and suddenly switched to Mesmer.

Hopefully I'll get her to 80 before another character catches my fancy. :D
Congratulations, I'm at 64 and it seems it will be a while splitting between toons.
Now it's time to sink some money on armor, trinkets, weapons, alternate weapons, etc. Begun, the brokeness has.
lol - I'm planning on spending gold and gems to get some nice stuff. My birthday is just around the bend - a month away..