My Duties As Guild Liaison


New Member
Hello Redeemed friends!

As some of you know I am the Guild Liaison in Redeemed. I've been asked to inform you what my job as officer entitles so that if any of you have a concern or an issue, you would know who to come to and why. My job as Guild Liaison allows me to be the person that helps facilitate communication between the leadership team and the members of Redeemed. This means that if anybody has a concern, an issue, a situation that they are unhappy about, or uncomfortable with such as harassment, or even policies that Redeemed has as a guild, they should feel free to speak with me so I can go to the leadership team and find a solution. If anyone is attempting to communicate with leadership and feels things are not being resolved, please let me know and I'll try to help.

My purpose is to make sure everybody in Redeemed is content, I would hate for anybody to be unhappy and not let me or Lisa/Goodwone (Communications Officer) know about it. This brings me to another point, Lisa/Goodwone and I work together a lot. Since she is the Communications Officer and I am the Guild Liaison, we handle some of the same issues. So this means that my job here is to make sure that there is clear communication between guild members, and guild leadership and if any of you are unhappy to try to find a solution to the predicament.

The purpose of this post was to inform you all of my duties, I realize that I haven’t been online as much as I was before due to school/graduation. My contact info however has not changed, and I hope that this post encourages you all to PM me or whisper me in game if you need anything at all! Remember Redeemed members, you are all my brothers and sisters in Christ and I am so glad to be a part of such a great officer team and guild!

God bless!
Just to clarify: Members can still go directly to a co-gl or a class leader or a veteran if they chose, correct?

Thanks for wanting to help out in the guild!
Just to clarify: Members can still go directly to a co-gl or a class leader or a veteran if they chose, correct?

Thanks for wanting to help out in the guild!

That is correct Odale, however my job as officer is to specifically handle affairs with members and relay such things to the Exec's/Co GL's if needed.
Again as Kyle stated. He is here to help Goodwone on the communications of the guild and any issues that arise. The guild leaders and officers are there also and we encourage people to talk directly to any one of us with any problems.

We have had some people in the past not wanting to talk with some GL's or officers. We want to make sure we have open lines of communication and we have tried to help by addressing the biggest issue/roadblock that was brought to us with people sharing thier opinions/problems. That was some of the younger people in the guild weren't comfortable talking with some of the older Officers/GL's.

Kyle has been great at communicating and helping out everyone especially the younger crowd. We felt there was a big hole to fill in this area and he has done a great job so far.

Remember everyone, if you have a concern or problem, please contact myself or anyone in the ranks. We will do what we can to address and help with anything that comes up.
