MW2 Prestige


New Member
So I just prestiged for the first time. I was wondering what you get for subsequent pretiges. I know I got a new title for the first pretige, and the ability to get the verteran and master titles for the weapons, plus a new slot for a sixth custom class, but should I plan on not trying to max out all the challenges if I am just gonna prestige again? That's what I am thinking, and as far as I know, you can only prestige ten times.

If you have all the hard facts or links to a good site, I would appreciate it.
Not really sure how the Prestige works in MW 2, I know with World at War it was start over each time, was fun once and I am sure I will do it again :)
With each prestige you get a new title, emblem, and slot.

You need the achievments to get xp however don't waste time on headshots because you lose the camo anyways and they just take too long. I also dont like unlocking FMJ as It takes me awile to get there. Demo and search are good ways to get xp, and I find free for all or domination are the best games to unlock attachments.

Im 2nd prestige fifty something(havnt played in a while due to exams)

Hope this helps!

God bless

Headshots are pointless for the camo...I had a couple red tigers before I prestiged, now they are gone. I haven't done any demolitions or SnD's. I'll have to give them a try.