Moved from the over healing thread


New Member
Quoted from Brongeroflight:

Well Unfortunately this has been talked about and there has been feedback from many ofthe new 70's(coment made in general) that the more higher geared 70's should run kara still to gear everyone up..I have also seen some kara runs that didnt have the higher geared 70's running almost give up because they wiped 4 times on a boss and make the comment that they should wait till they get more higher geared people in to run it...

This leads to the issue of if we devote all those who dont need kara gear to running ZA (Which I am one of those who want to get that on yesterday) then we will have peeps upset that the highered geared people have left the others behind... This has happend all 4 times we have tried this... Trust me I am with ya on getting ZA on farm... It has alot of the Challange that Kara now lacks and great gear too. ......End Quote

Personally I think that just because you are a casual raider or somehow got behind that you should not rely on other higher geared people to hold your hand through it. (This is coming from me though who even in the lower instances would prefer running the instance normally verses a 70 running me through. )

Question: Who can lead a guild run team through a raid? Anyone that is prepared or does it have to be a raid leader?

I would think lack of numbers of geared and ready people, lack of certain needed classes, or lack of an available leader should be the only thing stopping people. So what if you wipe many times. That only makes it sweeter when you succeed. Failing and learning how to improve gets you more ready for the next higher challenging raid then the gear ever does IMO.
Question: Who can lead a guild run team through a raid? Anyone that is prepared or does it have to be a raid leader?

I would think lack of numbers of geared and ready people, lack of certain needed classes, or lack of an available leader should be the only thing stopping people. So what if you wipe many times. That only makes it sweeter when you succeed. Failing and learning how to improve gets you more ready for the next higher challenging raid then the gear ever does IMO.

Can I get an Amen!!! Thats what I love about progression, the challange, the battle to get through a roadblock. Each attempt getting us that much closer to success and then finally, after a few weeks of rattling your brains, down goes the boss.

The first groups going through Kara all had food buff, a gaurdian and a battle elixer or a flask and weapon buffs. They spent alot of time and money (gold) to get Kara on easy farm for everybody.
Can I get an Amen!!! Thats what I love about progression, the challange, the battle to get through a roadblock. Each attempt getting us that much closer to success and then finally, after a few weeks of rattling your brains, down goes the boss.

The first groups going through Kara all had food buff, a gaurdian and a battle elixer or a flask and weapon buffs. They spent alot of time and money (gold) to get Kara on easy farm for everybody.

AMEN!!!!!!!! :D

I think the way this guild progresses could move faster but, all in all the way things go makes all instances....eventually.... accessable to everyone... The hardcore Raiders go through battle it out find the strats that work for us and start putting our nose to the grind stone to get an instance on farm...ZA just took us a little longer to clear now we have to work on the timed protion... and downing the bosses a little smoother.. and we can eventually get it on farm and hopefuly farm it like we farm Kara now

Raz I am with you on not liking having your hand held to get through an instance... It robs you of the challenge and in cheapens your success... Ever need any help. along your way just let me know I am always up for an instance Heriocs are real fun too.
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Question: Who can lead a guild run team through a raid? Anyone that is prepared or does it have to be a raid leader? .

If a member of the guild wants to lead a guild must contact me for karazhan, or Mordos/Bax for all other raids, first. You not only need to be prepared to lead but also know and understand the guild rules for raiding and at this point you MUST have an officer in your raid to do loot.

I'm always looking for new peeps to lead Kara runs!
If you want a real challenge do a PUG of Kara...I'm like Aves it will put all your skills to the test and to be honest it can brutally expose your weaknesses.

I do Kara most weeks with a group it's not a PUG per say but were from different guilds mainly, though we have played quite a lot together it makes the run go smoother if you know everyone's general play style.

But seriously though if you are not doing Redeemed runs do PuG Kara's on Sat, Sun, Mon you'll be amazed how it hones your skills for any class, and since it resets on Tuesday it leaves the option open for you to do Kara runs with the guild.

The only downside is that if your group sucks and doesn't finish the run it's hard as all get outs to get a group later to finish the run, so be prepared to get saved.
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Where have the newer 70s been on Kara days? I have seen a few, but most times we go with mostly the same people, and a lot of the gear is either offsets or sharded. I would rather take 1 or 2 new 70's, if they are on, then have the stuff sharded.
Where have the newer 70s been on Kara days? I have seen a few, but most times we go with mostly the same people, and a lot of the gear is either offsets or sharded. I would rather take 1 or 2 new 70's, if they are on, then have the stuff sharded.

Y'know I find alts less viable in BC then original WoW because of the badge system. When I used to run MC/BWL I'd bring my alts and such whenever we needed a different class. There was also a point at which you outgeared the content and you didn't need anything from that instance anymore. With the introduction of heroic badges this isn't the case anymore. My paladin needs nothing from Kara but I keep running it with him to get more badges for upgrades. I'd like to run kara with my tank and get him some gear too but I can't spend that kinda time on an alt anymore when I know my main could be advancing.

I'm sad, and glad that they will be introducing different heroic badge tiers in WotLK. Maybe alts will see more lower end content and not so much gear will be sharded BUT it will also be harder for mains to gear up using easy content.
We usually do Kara on tuesdays and thursdays. Start time is 630 server(?). Usually the list goes up around 6. This is all server time, of course. If my times off, I am sure someone will fix them. :)
I know Kal wants to raid with Eig really bad but is only able to do so on Sat and Sun due to his work schedule. Prayerfully that will change in a few months but until then is there any other interest in weekend raids?