Mother - Needs Prayer

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My mother caught a cold last Wednesday.  So it seemed.  By Friday her ear/face started to swell.  Saturday night she was taken to the hospital to see what was going on and they were stumped.  It had moved from her ear/face down to her neck.  All they knew was it is an infection of some sort.

They had 1 surgeon look at it at the time and had 3 more on the way to see what it was.  None knew what why she was swelling or what the infection was.

The reason why it was/is life-threatening is it is swollen to the point of cutting off the ciculation of blood to her brain.  Her major arteries are almost completely squeezed together.  They are forcing blood through at the moment but can only do that for so long.

Last I heard, they found what is causing the part of her neck to swell.  She has a (can't remember what it's called) growth <update> absess??? </update> (like I said, can't remember real term) in her neck.  Likely caused by the initial infection, if caused the infection.  They are prepping her for immediate surgery (she may already be in surgery as I am writing this).

My mother is a woman of which there are no words to describe her relationship with us, her kids, or her relationship with God.  Simply put, she loves us and moreso, her God.  There is not nor ever has been anything that she would place over her God.  Now it's time for us to see what God has planned for her, and those that she has touched.

I pray that she, regardless of route God chose/chooses, will not regret anything that she has done/or will do.  That she will be happy and healthy.

Wow, it just hit me how much I love her.....I have to go..please pray for her, and us.

God loves y'all.


(Kip Potter)
Mother came out of surgery last night between 10:30 and 11:30. This morning, we are still unsure how her body will handle the surgery and whether or not it will accept whatever it was that the doctor's say she needs to accept. I don't have all the information, but the look on my grandmother's face was more of a hopeful look and she says simply that the chances are so much better now (that she lives).

So, hopefully mom will pull through. I keep y'all updated as I get more info. As for now, I'm at work and don't have any more sick/vacation time to spend (because I've been sick the past week too).

Keep the prayers comin'...always need 'em. Thanks so much for the prayers. We found that my mother's church is part of a prayer chain that extends from the west coast to the east coast (of the United States) and many, many states between. How wonderful it is to have so many people praying for my mother during this time.

Another update..

Keep up the prayers, they are working.

The absess was successfully removed.  They are now waiting on one more known factor.  If the antibiotics kick in then the infection will clear and she will be fine without much of a fight.  If they don't, she will have to begin fighting for her life again.

I just spoke with my uncle and he says that she will probably make it out ok.  "It's looking good.".  I still am not allowed to see her but will be able to later this week if my cold clears up by tomorrow.

If the antibiotics do not kick in soon, they will have to go back into surgery to find why they haven't (as there may be other spots of infection which the antibiotics would be working on or something like that).  I'm still not sure about all the details because I'm not "in the loop".  I have to ask all the "right" questions for any answers and I'm afraid I do not know many of the "right" questions that I need to ask.  It's very emotional for my family and it's hard for many to even talk to me about it.

I may talk a lot in here, I have hardly no one to really talk to.  So I let my emotions fly in here on this thread because of it.  Hope no one minds.  I can't express my gratitude for your listening ears.

Thank you,

That sucks... I will make sure you have the maximum prayer support by sending a sepecial notice via the CGA newsletter. Also you can talk to me anytime on messengers should you want to. Or email me.
Oh most kind and rightous God I send this prayer out to Mythran's Mother.
Oh blessed God send thy mightiest angel in thy midst oh God to bring healing to Mythran's Mother. I ask of thee in Jesus's name. For faith in His name is where our strength comes from. Father heal her now in Jesus's name oh God. Here our prayer oh God our Father. I rebuke the sickness and disease that's in her body in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For by the stripes on His back we are healed. Blessed God anoint her Father from on high with healing. I bind you Satan and all your demons from this healing set forth this very second in Jesus's name. Let all that believe stand firm in this prayer. All in one mind and one accord. For He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. A King that loves us all and wants to do good for His loved ones. I pray oh Lord for Mythran's Mother to have strength to fight off this attack from the adversary and to stand. Heal Her now Father in Jesus's name. Thank you oh God for answering this prayer. , Amen

I got to see my mother for the first time since this whole thing started! She looks good. Her blood pressure is back to normal, her temperature is back to normal, her white blood cell count is back to normal. There is also no more swelling in her face and neck!

The doctor's found the name of the disease...unfortunately I still do not have it otherwise I'd let y'all know what it's called. Still, though, there is not much information about it..because it is so rare. But they know the name
Which gives me hope because if I had a name, I can find much more information than they can (heh, yeah,'s called Google).

I have had so many people email/phone/in person talk to me about this and I have NEVER had such a response. I'm overwelmed! But also, I'm exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. So...once I get home...going to have a nice, warm shower...and relieve all this playing Dark Age of Camelot

Thanks to y'all. Oh...another thing...mother said I can let y'all know what's up....(there's some more to this that I wish not to explain about). So, when I'm not at work, I can explain the entire disease and what exactly we know about it. She explained everything to me in person...even though I had to be on the other side of the room and wasn't allowed near her
It was good 'nuff just to see her in person.

I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you bro's and sis's. Y'all are great...


(Kip C. Potter)
Programmer Analyst II
County of Merced

Heh...I've always wondered why I have Christian as my middle name. I love it though
Kip Christian Potter
Praise God almighty for this gift of healing to your mother. , CS.
I thank you Father for answering our prayers and I give you Praise., Amen
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