
yeah their wrong. But that would be saying catholics are better than prodistan. Because most churches are created by people who disagreed with the roman catholic church, and started their own.
Mel Gibson started his own church based on the old catholic church because he disagreed with vatican 2. Which I can see his points, but also see y the pope made those changes.

I think its all peter's fault, decided to make himeself the first pope.
I think the bible has changed little by little over the years, because of better translations. That might be one reason y there are different churches.

Personally I'm thinking of Budhism.
Its always intreagued me. But the christian part of me is kind of fearfull. Its like if I pick the wrong religion, I'm a dead man. MAybe thats what the catholic church has taught me. If u don't go to church u'll go to hell.
With all of our technology and understanding at this point in time, do you think it would be possible to create a TRUE translation of the Bible? In fact, to create a NEW Bible, one that contains all the left out books and create an all new, all inclusive canon? Could there be a definitive translation?

Personally I believe it would be a huge, huge undertaking, but one that is extremely possible. But I doubt anyone would be willing to change their views. No one wants to be proven wrong, especially when it comes to things of the spiritual nature. I don't think people would be willing to accept that their views have been wrong all this time.
Well I think alot of the scriptures that the catholic church didn't approve of were destroyed.

I think we'll never have the right translation, because u have to take in account the times, and how people lived. Plus what if they made a spelling error and it impacted the translation. Also would they have their own slang back then like we have now. Like bad means good. Phat means great, and so on. So I don't think we'll ever know the exact translation. And also if they found the right translation and it was different than the one that we had now. Would they release it. It would probobly impact the church in a good and bad way. And it depends on if the good out weighs the bad.
Like what if they found that being gay is not a sin, gays would be happy, but all the concervative christians would probobly hate it and start, guess what a different church.
I think religion has become more political than spiritual.

Like I was watching this news show about priests who abused children. And they showed how priests who the church said they had gottin rid off, were just moved to a different barish in a different state or country. They were showing a priest from boston that the family was told that they would get rid off, in prince george, BC. which is like 3 hours away from me. Y because not as many people in north america are joining the priesthood, so they can't get rid of the bad priests, because they need them. I know the priest at the church my parents go to is from africa, and my cuz's priest is from india, and my friend's priest is from the phillipines. Its like they have to import priests to preech in north america.
Some of you guys agree iwth me? Thats a relief.... I just dont get how anyone could say all Catholics are Christian, It makes no sense....
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Aug. 28 2004,8:08)]Some of you guys agree iwth me? Thats a relief.... I just dont get how anyone could say all Catholics are Christian, It makes no sense....
Not this again.

What exactly are you trying to say?

Listen, it's obvious by your statements that you've never taken a Logic class, so let me see if I can show you where you're going wrong.

A Logic Statement

All apples are fruits.

Not all fruits are apples.

You see, no matter what kind of apple you are, you're a fruit.

But just because you're a fruit doesn't mean you're an apple. You could be an orange, pineapple or banana, still be a fruit, but not be an apple.

So by this logic we can see that...

All Catholics are Christian.

But not all Christians are Catholic.

All Catholics are Christian because Catholics profess belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ, thus making them Christian.

Now, not all Christians are Catholic. You can be Presbyterian, Protestant, Lutheran or Baptist, still be a Christian, but not be Catholic.

CATHOLICS ARE CHRISTIAN, that's just the way it is, there's no getting around it.

You may not agree with Catholicism, but that doesn't make it any less Christian.
Christian means follower of Christ, but it's a blanket term that many claim. Different religions have different views. Our church hold the Bible over any man made doctrine or dogmas.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (CCGR @ Aug. 28 2004,11:10)]Christian means follower of Christ, but it's a blanket term that many claim.  Different religions have different views.  Our church hold the Bible over any man made doctrine or dogmas.
EXACLY Listen to him, quit your smart bull and listen! YOu are christian or you are not, When you get to heaven, If you do, The word Catholic or Methodist will never be heard, because those are Religeons, and Religeons take away from the relationship with christ!

Logic Class, I took a psychology class and you represent the common sort of people who like to make themselves appear intelligent by making their peer seem inferior. WHich too bad for you will not work here, nor on me because only Jesus' opinion of me matters and you have no power to change that.
Christianity is a religion, your misunderstading her post. U should know this if you've taken psycology.
Catholics are christians u just don't understand what your saying.
I thought religions bring u closer to your faith.
Cheryl could u tell him what u mean. U might not agree with everything in Cahtolism but u can't say its not a form of christianity.
Christiaity is not a religeon.


Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

Being a Christian is not a Belief and if you think of it as only a belief then you are not christian. Being Christian is Knowing Jesus is god and that you are a sinner. Not beliveing it, but knowing because it IS true. Basically Religeon is a set of tradition, like the Catholics are i understand exactly what they are saying.... ugh forget it.

I don't care how many times you throw a fit to the contrary, it doesn't make it so.

Christianity is the belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers (GOD) regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

What the heck is so hard to understand about that?

You're sitting here telling us that Christianity isn't a Belief System or a religion because religion is a set of traditions. You just gave us your definition of religion and Christianity fits into it.

The only one preaching from a moral high ground here is YOU. You're the one professing to be better than any sect of Christianity. You're the one putting down Catholics. So why don't you enlighten us as to the CORRECT sect of Christianity. Tell us about YOUR beliefs. What church do you go to?

I'm sorry, but there are TONS of sects of Christianity and they are ALL Christian, whether you like it or not. Their views may not be favorable to you, but if they follow the teachings of Christ, THEY ARE CHRISTIAN BY DEFINITION. You are trying to claim superiority based of of some personal dogma that no one here understands but you.

Roman Catholic Jesus
Orthodox churches
Dutch Reformed
Latter-day Saints
Seventh Day Adventists
Salvation Army
Jehovah's Witnesses
Christian Science
Unification Church

This might be a stupid example but...
Think of it this way, Gamer is a broad term for those who play video games(console), computer games, and MMO(massivly mutliplayer online) games. Belonging to one or more of the three maker you a Gamer, which is an all enclusive term.
I know poeple who are catholic but dont live for christ, they drink and party therefor are NOT christian.

Mormon holy-rollers go from door to door trying to get people to haven but they do not teach the word of Christ therefor are NOT Christian.

Christian means, Follower of christ, Catholics cannot be Christian as they have priests. Wherefor Jesus is supposed to be our priest and we speak to god through him not through some other man. No man has any right to know our Sin. HOw dare they expect to be called father. ONce someone callewd Jesus Father as they would a priest and he said "Call me that not for there is only one father, and he is in heaven.". SO they dont live by or for Christ therefor are not Christian by definition.

YOu can try to want to label me with some Pride disorder and thats fine because God knows me and only he has the knowledge ebough to label me this way rightiously, you are just blathering.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Aug. 29 2004,1:25)]I know poeple who are catholic but dont live for christ, they drink and party therefor are NOT christian.
Byblos, honestly, can't you say this about all Christians in general and not just Catholics?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Aug. 29 2004,1:25)]I know poeple who are catholic but dont live for christ, they drink and party therefor are NOT christian.

Mormon holy-rollers go from door to door trying to get people to haven but they do not teach the word of Christ therefor are NOT Christian.

Christian means, Follower of christ, Catholics cannot be Christian as they have priests. Wherefor Jesus is supposed to be our priest and we speak to god through him not through some other man. No man has any right to know our Sin. HOw dare they expect to be called father. ONce someone callewd Jesus Father as they would a priest and he said "Call me that not for there is only one father, and he is in heaven.". SO they dont live by or for Christ therefor are not Christian by definition.

YOu can try to want to label me with some Pride disorder and thats fine because God knows me and only he has the knowledge ebough to label me this way rightiously, you are just blathering.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I know poeple who are catholic but dont live for christ, they drink and party therefor are NOT christian.

Thats not a really fair thing to say. Alot of people now adays profess themselves to be catholic/babtist/luthrin/musilm/buddist ect. ect. and do not act the part.
I dont drink and never party..... Either does my Girlfriend, or my Dad, or my Brother, Or my Dad's Friend.. ect ect... And i was just using Catholics as an example. To them partying and Drinking is OK which is not what the bible teaches.

And alot of People profess themselves to be Christian and they are not, my point exactly.
Show me where in the bible it says your not supposed to drink or party.
Did Jesus turn water into wine, if u wern't allowed to drink everyone would of drank water. Have u ever been to a Jewish wedding, one thing they have alot of is wine. If u choose not to drink thats fine I respect that but don't say christians can't drink.

As for mormons they do go door to door, but so do missionairies, the only difference is they do it in 3rd world countries.

As for priests I'm not even gong to get into it, u're now just searching for faults and its not worth the effort.

I want to know what makes u some high and mighty christian that can go around telling other people that their beliefs are wrong.

I'll say it again, darks apple annalogy works, Catholics are christians

I don't think u're a real christian, u don't drink. Jesus made wine which means u have to drink. Tell me if that makes sence to u.
To me its just like your statements a bunch of bs. Straight and simple.
you don't have to drink to be a Christian. alcohol was not as stong back then as it is today. Yes Jesus did make wine. But drunkeness is forwned upon in the bible. Preists in the Old Testament were not allowed to drink wine regardless.