Modern Warfare 2 PC Version: No Dedicated Servers, IWNet Matchmaking Instead

I could Imagine this being done [it is possable to fake the video's] but I imagine some Hackers have done it, too Bad one can't make a Mod so we could all enjoy, Steam has really dissapointed me here too, I had always thought VAC to be secure but there are a Lot of Hacks being used in MW 2, one of the worst for me is the Speed Hack, hard to hit someone moving like The Flash LOL
They recently banned 25000 players IIRC on the 360 so far.
For hacking/cheating in MW2 or for modifying (i.e. installing modchips in) their consoles? The banwave I heard about was related to modded systems.
Microsoft is reported to ban people for using in game glitches like the Javelin cheat.
Sony says they won't ban for this.
I am not aware of the 360 bans but there have been no PC bans as far as I am aware of, so far I have only seen 3 cheats [but there is probably more], Starting level [usually 70 5 star], 2nd is a wall hack that allows the cheater to see all enemy outlined in Red, 3rd is a Speed hack [although the game sort of has one built in] which the cheater moves so fast he knifes you before you can shoot or move, greased Lightning is more like it, unfortunately VAC does not or Will not take action [maybe it takes too long], I quit these games instead of getting into a argument which is childish. A shame there is not a more Proactive anti cheat system in place.