Mobile Gaming Section?


New Member
With mobile gaming becoming the largest and fastest growing gaming platform in history, I was wondering if it was about time to have a mobile gaming section.
I like it. What are some multi-player games (don't say Words with Friends) that our popular?
Hero Academy!!

Speaking of that, where you go Xion? :)

I meant to 'Voxer' you about that. I played with a few different people (my wife and brother included), and kept losing...a lot... Even when I was put in really good situations, things would always mess up for me. So I currently can't bring myself to play it at the moment, LOL.

I will compile a list of awesome multiplayer mobile games and post them here. (may take a few days, things are really busy here)
mobile gaming will never be as engaging compared to a multiplayer pc or console because of the necessity for two hands and multiple actions by keyboards and mouse clicks.

they will be fun, like Angry Birds and multiplayer Texas Holdem, but never surpass the competitive nature that is inherent with pc/console.

yet, there are far more ways to expand online gaming with a mobile device than a standard pc/console. even though there are huge advancements in technology, you simple will not see a community based off a mobile device like .:CMG:. Christian Mobile Gamers clan. Why? because look back at the name, Mobile. It denotes being on the go. and being on the go is not conducive to forming a group let alone fellowshipping in a group.

Waiting for a train...hello dude. yo what sup. what, I can't hear you the train is coming. sorry I can't hear the train is making too much noise in the back ground. what's my background, you know my background, we talked about that last week. no that's...never mind.

Or how many times have you been playing a game or even talking with somebody and you lose connection....

Thus, my 2 cents on why I don't think it will ever overtake or even should be included as a separate viable group. Although, I could be wrong, I was once back in the 80's...wait no I wasn't, never
I think the rise of asynchronous games via mobile is fantastic. I don't consider asynchronous = multiplayer but it is so great to have multiple games going at once and when I have time on the road, pull out the ipad and take my turns on all the queued games.