Mmorpg - which is the best?


Captain Chaos

Ok, I played EverQuest for an unholy amount of time over the last year and a half and finally got burned out and sold my account. I really enjoy the immersion of MMORPG games, there's just so much to do and the social aspects are really cool to me. (I actually had several opportunities to witness to ppl in game!) So, I'm thinking of possibly trying out another game in the genre for those reasons.

Honestly, I'll probably hold out and play other genre games like Jedi Knight II until Star Wars Galaxies comes out, because I think that will be the big daddy of the genre. So, what do you all think about the following games? Are they worth playing?

Keep in mind that I have read multiple reviews on each of these games from sites like,, etc. Obviously, opinions from my peers here is what I am after the most. Thanks for your time in answering.

- Dark Age of Camelot.
- Aescheron's Call 2.
- Anarchy Online
- Neverwinter Nights
- Shadowbane

Also, what about these upcoming titles? They worth waiting for in your opinion?
- EverQuest 2
- Star Wars Galaxies
- Planetside (is this more of a FPS or an RPG?)
Neverwinter Nights is AWESOME. Its very much like D&D, but its not really an MMORPG. Online I have mainly only done the hack + slash map things they have, because everyone says the only way to REALLY play it RPG style online is with friends. As much as I love the single player campaign, I got bored of playing it alone, although I really should finish it. I hear the story gets really deep in the section after I'm at.

Perhaps if you get it, and we get a few others to get it, we can play with eachother?

I highly recommend this game, even for solo. But with friends it truly shines.
I also highly recommend Neverwinter Nights, if you have the time. I agree that it's not as much an MMORPG as a D&D hack-n-slash, but it's still fun.

As far as the others go, I think Dark Age of Camelot is probably the best subscription RPG. That's coming from 1) the reviews I've read, and 2) the fact that it's set in post-King Arthur times, of which I'm a huge fan.

I hear that Star Wars Galaxies is supposed to be the mother of MMORPGs when it finally comes out, so if you have the patience I'd say hold out for that one. Does anybody know whether it's going to be subscription based or not?

Also, if you like space stuff check out Freelancer. It's a nice do-whatever-you-want sort of game, where you buy a ship and totally customize it and fly around the universe making money. I played the demo and it was indeed entertaining.
Im still in depression over the massive nerfing of jedi in SWG. But they would have to be utterly dumb to mess that up more anyway, four words, most anticipated game ever.
It's ok guys I already set him up with the best review of all the games ever
I played DAOC for a while and they just implamented if you get a charcter to lvl 50 you get to start charcters at lvl 20 when you make new ones. Its a fun game but the pvp needs some work and takes to long to get anything going.

I dont see why everyone wants SWG i was excited about it 2 years ago but the more i read stuff there taking out and it gets delayed again without having the features readded for launch the less i want to play it. I doubt im gonna play a mmog until World of Warcraft comes out cause i have a lot of confidence in blizzard and have never played a bad game from them.

I have heard realy good things from people playing planetside beta but i just cant justify paying monthly for a fps...

I played through the first chapter of NWN and gave it back to my friend it was a boring and the story was only descent, Maybe i should have tried it online?
I wanna clarify about NWN (neverwinter nights): Its not _just_ a hack and slash... seing as there IS no hack or slash. You click once to initiate combat, and they attack each round, except for special attacks (spells, bash, etc). It is excessivly like D&D...

What I was referring to is just arena 'modules' where you just fight other people and don't RP. Well what I'm really trying to say: NWN isn't shallow, its very indepth, but you CAN have fun at a shallow level if you want. Yah, great game, highly reccomend it.

The first chapter doesn't do it justice. Even though I'm not even half way through the second, the story is completly different, I know what I'm doing with gameplay so its much more fun. If it wasn't for school I would have never stopped playing. I don't think I can start playing it again until summer. I keep hearing that online with friends is where it REALLY shines. Borrow it again and maybe we can play, and snag some other people too.

And I agree, SWG looked good about 2 years ago, but now everything else has just as high quality graphics and it just doesn't seem like anything new or different. I mean, if it wasn't star wars, I don't think it would be on anyones radar at all... But since it is starwars, I'm probably ganna get it for the first month.
I actually like Anarchy Online. Its a breath of fresh air in a medival fantasy dominated genre(yes, I know about SWG, but thats still beta). It is a bit unbalanced in pvp though. Plus they offer a 7 day free trial so you can get hooked for free and pay to keep your addiction; saounds like drug dealer tactics. No suprise there.

Planetside is primarily FPS, FYI. It has experience and levels, but it's like DAoC RvR 24/7, with guns. Battles are huge and centralized though. But mostly FPS. Lots of fun.
I would highly reccomend DAoC
, this game doesnt stop with some type of action rather that be, Keep Raid, Relic Raid, Darkness Falls Raid, Shrouded Isles Raid, their is always stuff to do
. I will admit that the game is a little slow in getting started, if you wanted me to, I could help you out in-game if needed. I will also admit that the PvP does have some imbalances but they are being regulary fixed to make the game as fair as possible.