Missional Gaming Updates

Hey all,

Foremost, thank you for all the support given of Missional Gaming I've gotten from this forum community. It is truly a blessing to get such a great response from the brothers and sisters here. This thread is intended to keep the CGA community in the know when new posts are released from www.MissionalGaming.com. Thank you again for the support and may these posts be thought provoking and helpful in bringing the kingdom to the gaming community!

God bless,

This thread is intended to keep the CGA community in the know when new posts are released from www.MissionalGaming.com.
I hope you'll pardon my butting in, but I just wanted to say it's very encouraging to see a site focused on Christian gamers using our forums to promote their site. One of the purposes of the CGA is to help spread awareness of Christian gaming groups and web sites, so it puts a smile on my face to see a site take us up on the offer. :)

They've also done an article on GW2 and the Christian guild's therein! Legacy of Elijah made an appearance as well!
Hey everyone, want to contribute to future posts? Missional Gaming needs your help! I need more 620x350 in-game screenshots to use for future post pictures! PM me on this forum of email the pictures to missionalgaming@gamil.com! All credit will go to you! Thanks!
Are there any kind of requirements (aside from size) for the screen shots? Are there things in particular you are looking for?
There aren't any pictures in particular that I am looking for. Any screenshots of action, humor, interesting, or unusual content would be much appreciated! Some submissions may not end up being used based on poor resolution or framing, but I would really just love for more people to be a part of this project and this is a very helpful way for that to happen! Thanks for asking!