Mission Trip to Israel (Pray please)


New Member
Hey Y'all!

I'm a senior at a small Bible college in Indianapolis. Every year, the senior class is given the opportunity to go on a missions trip. Well, this year we'll be heading out to Israel for a few weeks in March. I'm really excited, but I still need to work up the funds and the ability to go (i.e. finish classes, getting passport, etc.).

Please be praying that I everything comes in. I need about $3000 for myself, but I'm also wanting to get enough for my fellow classmates. My class has already seen God bless our efforts, and so we know this is His will for our class.

Thanks for all the prayers!
An update on the mission trip:

God worked amazingly to bring about the down payment money I needed, but I still need a lot of money to actually go on this mission trip. With only about a month left before the deadline (February 15), please pray that God will provide and that I'll trust in Him to provide.

Thanks to all for praying!