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The Lord had placed it upon my heart to start a Video Game Fellowship at my church in and around October of last year. I thought it was going to be just a place for Christian gamers to get together and fellowship, however, He is growing in my heart before I have even gotten it going. He now wants it to be an outreach ministry to those Gamers who are un-saved. It will be a neutral environment for un-saved Gamers to enjoy fellowship with Christian Gamers. I was so excited when I found CGA, that it just confirmed all of what God had placed on my heart to do. I have advertised in the Church Bulletin and in our multimedia announcements twice and have had no takers. I ask that you all will pray for this ministry start. Also any words of wisdom will be gladly accepted.

first off: WELCOME TO CGA!
sweet goin. our church before youth group use to have a ps2 and gc goin but the elders didt like it
 . i'll pray all goes well
well i am planning a similar ministry outreach where i live, and the question is do you just want it to be a place to go hang out and play, and have the outreach and the ministry of the word happen through osmosis, from students talking to others or the leaders doing it, OR would you rather set up like a 20-30 mins devo/Praise and Worship time like in the middle. just a thought that was put before me.

Also talk to the local movie theatre and the students who do play computer games and see if they would be willing to let you hand out flyers at the movies, and see if the students would like pass em out at school and stuff.
Thanks for the thoughts. I have the support of the Church leaders, Youth Pastor, Senior pastor and Head of outreach. The are very supportive of this. I did a little research into the Demographics of Gamerz. There were some interesting statistics. 50% of all american's 6 yr and older play videogames. The average videogame player is 29 years old. 39% of video game players are female. Most vidogame players play video games with friends and/or family. With council from my leaders, we will be looking to have gamers that range from 16 years and up. The format is going to be informal. It is going to be a neutral environment for christian gamers to bring their unsaved friends. No preaching the Word, but living it. Going to let unsaved gamers see that we can have fun and deep relationships as Christians. Let them see that we arn't "stick-in-the-mud" religous types. Witness to them through our lives and testimonies. And play some serious games. I am excited about this. And I covet your prayers.

Greetings, Pixel, and welcome to the Christian Gamers Alliance forums. It is very encouraging to hear that others are using computer and video games to witness to unbelievers and disciple fellow believers.

Christian Gamers Alliance staff members are currently planning the first CGA convention for May 28 - 30 in Tulsa, Oklahoma and plan on expanding to other "real life" areas this year. I would love to chat with you some time and want to make an open and official invitation for your group to be brought in to the CGA as a member-group or affiliate (whichever you feel would be more appropriate).

Please e-mail me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org and I will reply as quickly as possible.
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