Minecraft multiplayer


New Member
Hey guys!

I'm a noob to the game (just dicovered minecart tracks and still think they're pretty neat), and hopped on the multiplayer server a bit last night. I had no idea how it's organized or how to conduct myself. I snooped around someone's area, accidentally broke some wood, replaced it, took an endless number of doors/halls/portals to who knows where, and ended up logging out somewhat confused :p

Do I just find an unused plot of land somewhere and do what I want with it? On my own single player world, I've been quite content to build nice structures, mine, tackle the occasional dungeon, and learn at my own pace. Am I free to do that on this server, as long as I don't disturb anyone else's stuff? Am I safe to assume no one would disturb my 'area'? Just let me know the standards of conduct expected on the server.

Thanks and I look forward to seeing everyone's awesome creations!
Just read the Server Info, and it answered a lot of my questions.

I'll find a nice plot of land somewhere and start building!

What did you mean by "needlessly expand the map"?
What did you mean by "needlessly expand the map"?

Minecraft generates terrain as people explore new areas however all that terrain is stored once generated. More terrain = bigger map for the server to have to handle. I'm not sure what qualifies as a reasonable distance to explore though.

Actually I think I went to far on one of my exploration trips way back on the server XD. I was actually looking for a specifically sized island. Unfortunately Minecraft decided to generate nothing but land for a long while XD .
Ah, I see. Hopefully my exploration and spelunking will stay in bounds then! I've been content so far to keep everything (above ground) in sight of my central location.

I noticed there was a spot where you could post where your coordinates are. I saw it once, and never could get back to it. It's not where new players spawn though. If you can give me the coordinates of that spot, I'll gladly post my coordinates there, once decided. (I know, I should have jotted them down when I was there)
Ah, I see. Hopefully my exploration and spelunking will stay in bounds then! I've been content so far to keep everything (above ground) in sight of my central location.

If you are wondering I am certain you can dig down as far as you'd like as the bedrock limit stops you. I just wouldn't run 3 hours in a single direction above ground. They may have added a barrier wall to the server though so it may not even matter though. IDK haven't played in ages so my info is ye ancient.
Flame tell me when your house is built up enough to be considered epic. I must see it then. You can come see mine any time you like, just go through the nether portal near the spawn and go through either of the doors once inside. They both lead to one of my houses XP
To the best of my knowledge we are currently running a mod that limits the size of the map. So needlessly expanding the map is no longer an option. It may or may not be working however due to problems with the server and plugins.

Currently players spawn at spawn point #2. This is because the area around spawn #1 was pretty much completely built up and it takes too long to walk from spawn 1 to an area people could settle down in. Spawn #1 is where the coordinate wall is. But I don't think it includes anyone from spawn 2. Feel free to journey thru the nether to spawn 1 and put up your coordinates but don't feel it's necessary.

Once you find an area you want to settle down in, look around and make sure you haven't encroached upon anyone. Some people have taken to putting fences or walls around areas they claim. This is up to you but please don't build/dig on land that has a fence around it without talking to the owner first.

While exploring, please respect peoples property. Most people don't mind you wandering thru their homes/castles/bases/tunnel complex/whatever but try not to damage anything. If you do repair it or leave a sign (6 planks over one stick) explaining why you didn't.

Everyone is very helpful so feel free to ask (please keep begging to a minimum however).

Finally, most people are in a kind of wait mode. 1.8 should be out shortly and we will be starting a new world for it (pending plug in issues). We will be keeping the current world but you will be able to carry some things to the new world. A lot of people have stopped building in anticipation of moving to the new world.
Yeah, I heard there was going to be kind of a reset once the new world hits. I'll keep learning on my single player mode until then. I wish there were some way to copy my stuff from single to multi though. My house is by no means epic, but I spent a lot of time on it, and I like it. I've taken over three islands, have a minecart track and boats with mini-harbors for transportation, and a glass underwater house (in progress)
Because of world edit, we don't transfer items from single to multiplayer.

We will be keeping the current world even when 1.8 comes out. So feel free to build what you want in the current world.
I kind of started the coordinate wall and would like to suggest that anyone venturing out from Spawn Point #2 create a wall there to post their coordinates on. Makes more sense then posting them at Spawn #1.

Welcome aboard those who are new to the TOJ server. Haven't been on much because of other things in real life I have going on. I started the Herod's Temple project, then heard we were deleting the map and stopped building. But now, I guess I should begin again? We shall see as time permits.

Thanks again for showing me around last night Abea - I feel like I could get back to those places, maybe with a little help (and less items in my inventory so I can get back to my home without too much lost).

You guys have really built some amazing stuff! I'll most likely keep to my island for a long time until I've done all I can do with it. And I've surrounded it in torches Abea, so hopefully that will be a good barrier.