Minecraft Meeting TONIGHT Dec16,2011 10pm Eastern
Time: 10pm Eastern
Invited: Anyone who shows up.
Place: Teamspeak 3, Christian Gamer's Alliance WWJD Channel (it's under Guildwars) TS3 address: cgalliance.org
This is an attempt for Revival, Christian Ministry as a focus on the ToJ minecraft server: mc.toj.cc and WWJD server: wwjd.dyndns.org
currently, these URLs point to the same minecraft server.
Bible Reading - Bascom
Prayer - asking for volunteer
Officer reports (3 minutes time on each, please let them know they are speaking):
CC by Unrealdude,
CCGR by jgamer,
ToJ by catakou,
- 5 minute Break -
CCGR by M_Unlimited,
WWJD by inikaga,
CC by Cold Blood/kethro (Kirby if kethro can't make it),
ToJ by Abea (blsimpson if Abea can't make it),
CCGR by ccgr (cantore if ccgr can't make it),
WWJD by threeangels,
- 5 minute Break -
Old Business
-Reminder of which Bibles we're using & not using
New Business
-Prayer for Guidance - Bascom
-Bascom presents Removing Rank System, with justification
-Discussion on Removing Rank System
-Vote (majority required to pass)
-Bascom presents Forgiving the Banned, with justification
-Discussion on Forgiving the Banned
-Vote for Forgiving the banned (majority vote)
-Bascom presents Christ Centered Spawn Area, with justification
-Christ Centered Spawn Area
-Vote (majority required to pass)
Closing Prayer - request for volunteer.
Time: 10pm Eastern
Invited: Anyone who shows up.
Place: Teamspeak 3, Christian Gamer's Alliance WWJD Channel (it's under Guildwars) TS3 address: cgalliance.org
This is an attempt for Revival, Christian Ministry as a focus on the ToJ minecraft server: mc.toj.cc and WWJD server: wwjd.dyndns.org
currently, these URLs point to the same minecraft server.
Bible Reading - Bascom
Prayer - asking for volunteer
Officer reports (3 minutes time on each, please let them know they are speaking):
CC by Unrealdude,
CCGR by jgamer,
ToJ by catakou,
- 5 minute Break -
CCGR by M_Unlimited,
WWJD by inikaga,
CC by Cold Blood/kethro (Kirby if kethro can't make it),
ToJ by Abea (blsimpson if Abea can't make it),
CCGR by ccgr (cantore if ccgr can't make it),
WWJD by threeangels,
- 5 minute Break -
Old Business
-Reminder of which Bibles we're using & not using
New Business
-Prayer for Guidance - Bascom
-Bascom presents Removing Rank System, with justification
-Discussion on Removing Rank System
-Vote (majority required to pass)
-Bascom presents Forgiving the Banned, with justification
-Discussion on Forgiving the Banned
-Vote for Forgiving the banned (majority vote)
-Bascom presents Christ Centered Spawn Area, with justification
-Christ Centered Spawn Area
-Vote (majority required to pass)
Closing Prayer - request for volunteer.