Metal Gear SOlid 4


New Member
Anyone sit on their edge of their seat while watching any video having to do with this game? Sad that it was delayed until June? My goodness I can't wait, it seems lots of characters from MGS on PlayStation are returning and I'm all giddy about it. I loves me some Metal Gear.
I WAS excited, finally getting to figure out what happens until the "Only for PS3" was noted, then I said, "No way am I ever going to get to play this...", and then I cryed myself to sleep and forgot about ever getting to find out what happens...

(MGS fan since 1995!)
Game movie? It is not based off of a movie...Metal Gear was created by Hideo Kojima in like 1987 with the idea to make a movie, but when money was a problem he decided to make it a game instead...and a wonderful game at that...been playing it since 95 and love very minute...BUT, now that he has money, he is going to make it all into a movie, and it BETTER be good!

A lot of people see "Escape from NY" and "Escape from LA" as what it was based off of, but this is a lie!
Sounds fun, most game movies are lame though...

I meant watching trailers and videos and such. :D

XionTawa said:
I WAS excited, finally getting to figure out what happens until the "Only for PS3" was noted, then I said, "No way am I ever going to get to play this...", and then I cryed myself to sleep and forgot about ever getting to find out what happens...

(MGS fan since 1995!)

They might end up making a Substance title for Xbox360 like they did for MGS2. I wouldn't give up hope on it, but they're usually a while later than the initial Playstation release.
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I saw their trailers, they looked very nice. Especially with 4 robot assassins, freaky. Tough to see how will Snake defeat those women. :eek:

IT does seem much tougher than its sequels; facing militia, evil military, a new FOXHOUND team and those assassins, wow...
Game movie? It is not based off of a movie...Metal Gear was created by Hideo Kojima in like 1987 with the idea to make a movie, but when money was a problem he decided to make it a game instead...and a wonderful game at that...been playing it since 95 and love very minute...BUT, now that he has money, he is going to make it all into a movie, and it BETTER be good!

A lot of people see "Escape from NY" and "Escape from LA" as what it was based off of, but this is a lie!

You do know that in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Snake tails Raiden that his name is Snake Pliskin...

Besides, the escape series is better and will always be better than any game to movie adaption made.
[]phantom;264586 said:
You do know that in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Snake tails Raiden that his name is Snake Pliskin...

Besides, the escape series is better and will always be better than any game to movie adaption made.

Escape and the Metal Gear games have nothing in common but a name...
Tune your codec to 201.1 for The Mighty Gerbil

Actually I've heard is Hideo's Snake was based off the Escape movies Snake as well. Given the uncanny resemblance I don't see how it could be any other way. They are both gruff voiced, ex-military, and one eyed (at least inferred one eyed) characters named Snake. I'm glad Hideo omitted the tattoo though ewww.

Yes I too am a fan of Metal Gear although not a huge one. Quite frankly I think Metal Gear Solid (the PS one) was the best of the series and worthy of the title classic game. Innovative gameplay, a good non-convoluted plot with some nice twists and interesting characters. Of course they threw that out the window with MGS 2. Enter convoluted plot, unlikable characters and add some weird immoral relationships (homosexuality etc.). The only reasoning I can think of with the whole Raiden thing was Hideo was trying to pull a New Coke . I don't care if you slapped a "cool ninja" thing on him for MGS 4 I still don't like him (and his whiney Girlfriend even less).

Rose: Raiden are you there?
Raiden: I'm a little busy right now fighting for my life.
Rose: Lets talk about your childhood.
Raiden: Rose now isn't a good time (Guard in background "hey I heard something over here!")
Rose: You don't care about me you never talk about your feelings.
Raiden: "Gunfire sounds"
Rose: Aggh Men are all pigs.
Raiden: ....static

MGS 3 was more like a James Bond film (complete with inferred sex blech) than a MGS game and overall I did not agree with it's plotline's moral point. Although overall it was better than MGS 2 (it had a very good end boss fight).

...And now it's time for the Gerbil's MGS predictions!

1. Rose's baby will show up at some point as a plot point. Because knowing Hideo I don't think the fact her name is "Rosemary" and she's having a "baby" will go overlooked.

2. Snake suffers from some form of aging defect. Remember that although he and his other brother liquid were twins they appeared to be different ages. I think it would have had to have been triplets including Solidus to make sense and he appeared even older. The upshot of all this is Snake will get de-aged at some point.

3. Ocelot will do something heroic before he dies. Probably striking at an enemy both he and Snake have in common. He had a respect for Big Boss that has not shown itself yet and was the coolest guy in MGS 3 (you know it's true :) ).

4. Snake and Raiden will have a fight.

5. Big Boss will get resurrected in some form. Yes I know his body was supposedly stolen by Snake and company and removed from the picture, but, I'm sure they will script a way at some point.
Actually I've heard is Hideo's Snake was based off the Escape movies Snake as well. Given the uncanny resemblance I don't see how it could be any other way. They are both gruff voiced, ex-military, and one eyed (at least inferred one eyed) characters named Snake. I'm glad Hideo omitted the tattoo though ewww.

Yes I too am a fan of Metal Gear although not a huge one. Quite frankly I think Metal Gear Solid (the PS one) was the best of the series and worthy of the title classic game. Innovative gameplay, a good non-convoluted plot with some nice twists and interesting characters. Of course they threw that out the window with MGS 2. Enter convoluted plot, unlikable characters and add some weird immoral relationships (homosexuality etc.). The only reasoning I can think of with the whole Raiden thing was Hideo was trying to pull a New Coke . I don't care if you slapped a "cool ninja" thing on him for MGS 4 I still don't like him (and his whiney Girlfriend even less).

Rose: Raiden are you there?
Raiden: I'm a little busy right now fighting for my life.
Rose: Lets talk about your childhood.
Raiden: Rose now isn't a good time (Guard in background "hey I heard something over here!")
Rose: You don't care about me you never talk about your feelings.
Raiden: "Gunfire sounds"
Rose: Aggh Men are all pigs.
Raiden: ....static

MGS 3 was more like a James Bond film (complete with inferred sex blech) than a MGS game and overall I did not agree with it's plotline's moral point. Although overall it was better than MGS 2 (it had a very good end boss fight).

...And now it's time for the Gerbil's MGS predictions!

1. Rose's baby will show up at some point as a plot point. Because knowing Hideo I don't think the fact her name is "Rosemary" and she's having a "baby" will go overlooked.

2. Snake suffers from some form of aging defect. Remember that although he and his other brother liquid were twins they appeared to be different ages. I think it would have had to have been triplets including Solidus to make sense and he appeared even older. The upshot of all this is Snake will get de-aged at some point.

3. Ocelot will do something heroic before he dies. Probably striking at an enemy both he and Snake have in common. He had a respect for Big Boss that has not shown itself yet and was the coolest guy in MGS 3 (you know it's true :) ).

4. Snake and Raiden will have a fight.

5. Big Boss will get resurrected in some form. Yes I know his body was supposedly stolen by Snake and company and removed from the picture, but, I'm sure they will script a way at some point.

Remember, Snake is infected with FoxDie...and Big Boss ended up being a bad guy later, and created Outer Heaven...The reason Big Boss went bad, should be revealed...also...What exactly is Liquid Ocelot doing with a new metal gear, and who/what/how are the "Patriots"!
Just some news on the MGS4 front, seeing as how it is out in 3 weeks

it's a 4.6 gb install, and contains (plural) 90 minute long cutscenes.

It's nice to know that it will take me the rest of the year to finish the thing. :D
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I was planning on hitting a midnight release before I head off to work, but the GameStop where I preordered isn't doing one. It's like, the only one in the Columbus area that isn't. Goobers. Anyway, I'll be at the mall at 10am, right after I sneak into my brother's house to take a gander at the 80gb bundle.
Anyone else grabbing this up today?
I don't have a playstation 3 so unless I spin the disc really fast on my finger while squinting at it I don't have a way to play it. Be sure to use a spoiler box if you feel the need to talk about it's tell all plot revelations... if any :p. In a few years when the playstation (or Wii/Zelda for that matter) is cheap as dirt I may pick up one. Don't cry for me though becuase I am completely absorbed with TF2 :D.

Finally snagged my hardbound limited edition strategy guide, with a numbered lithograph (and was also able to grab the last one for my brother). Pretty :D

[]phantom;264586 said:
You do know that in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Snake tails Raiden that his name is Snake Pliskin...

Besides, the escape series is better and will always be better than any game to movie adaption made.

Just to clarify, even though it's a few months later...he says his name is Iroquois Plisskin. It is in homage to the Escape movies, but he never says his name is Snake until later.