
Mentoring.. - what do you think should be the way..

  • Keep mentoring - i would sign up for it

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • Keep mentoring - I wouldnt sign up for it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Use the mentors for advice via email

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Use the mentors for advice via forums

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scrap the mentors and stick with prayer forums only

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Just to see what ppl think is the way to go.. a little explanation of the choices.

We could keep the mentorship scheme, but there is noone on it at the moment. If you vote to keep it you can honestly say if you would participate. However if noone wants to be on it then i think it will be scrapped.

Read the other pinned topic. we are going to use the email for people to email us with any confidential requests or advice. If you think this should be the only thing then vote for that.

If you think there should be a resurrection of the advice for aswell as the email then vote for that.

If you think we should let the mentoring go and just stick with the prayer forum then vote for that.
reply to this thread if you have any input or wish to be part of the progam in any way. or email me.
I guess I really do not know anything about a mentoring program. Is it for real life issues or teaching you to pwn (i think) better? I am not very L33t (again, I think). I think mentoring is wonderful and excellent. We do it some in Dark Age of Camelot, but it is mostly unstructed. The further along (read older in real life) try to help the younger ones. I suppose I would need to understand the program more.
Well the mentoring itself basically involves someone who is quite mature in christ taking a younger person and helping them with their walk with god. helping them to structure their reading and prayer. being an accountability partner. being able to help with advice etc..
we actually had very little interest in this when it was first launched but the forums did get a lot of use, and still do.

So do we try and get people on this or do we just leave it open for people to email us when they have the occasional need for advice. I dunno. The need for proximity was apparent with the person i was mentoring.

The advice forum was another outlet that didnt get much use. I think mainly because it rides so close to biblical discussion. But of course is more based on personal issues. However it would get quite theological.

The mentors email is always open for people to contact one of us and ask for anything. We do need more ways of keeping this community connected though. The focus is continually shifting away from games and onto the people in toj. There should be a structure in place to deal with spiritual matters.
well due to the lack of response i think i iwll put the mentor scheme on the shelf and concentrate my efforts on upgrading the prayer forums.
Hmmmm...this is the first time I noticed this thread.

I think mentoring is a fantastic idea. But it may be difficult to implement through PM or e-mail. I like what's been done so far, posting questions through the prayer request forum. The only problem with that is, I'm sure many people may feel uncomfortable sharing in a public way.
Well we do have the email where people can send info on subjects that are too personal to post here.

They do get put in the private forum where a team of prayer ppl can get on it.. At the moment that team consists of the old cga mentors.

I guess i should think about how to expand that team. I need it to be exclusive (i.e. not every single person who posts here). The responsibility is greater. I would like a team of around 10 people.

I think i will post about it in general discussion.
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