Member Introduction Page


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
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Name: Andrew Rivera
Age: 27
Location: La Junta, Colorado
Married or Single: Single
toj nick: one2dredd
In Game Handle: One2dredd
Comrade ID: One2dredd
Xfire ID: One2dredd
Clan Position: Leader

A little about me: I am a long time fan of C&C and I also am very active in the Spirit of Elijah TOJ Guild Wars guild where I am the PvP officer. I owned my own business for a short time and learned many things from my time doing that. I worked on Bikes, Paintball guns as well as Skateboards. I attend a wonderful church called Crossroads Church in Swink, Colorado.
Name: Davin Schindel
Age: 18
Location: Missouri
Married or Single: Single
toj nick: The Hauss
In Game Handle: Slalomdms
Comrade ID: Slalomdms
Xfire ID: Slalomdms
Clan Position: Co-Leader

A little about me: This is the first C&C game that i have ever owned and I am loving how it plays. I currently have 2 jobs and am going to a local community college. I live on a like and actively water ski and do some other sports too. I also play guild wars pretty frequently and a few other games every once and awhile. I have been a member of the guild wars chapter for about 1 year now.
Name: Paul Alfred Brown (AKA Zanthox Jankins Twinkle'Toes)
Age: 19
Location: Lynchburg, Va
In committed relationship
toh nick: Zanthox
IN Game Handle: Zanthox
Comrade ID: Zanthox
Xfire - none
Clan Position: Co-Leader (recruitment officer)

a little about me: i have played every C&C game(except generals, which isnt C&C) and the original was pretty much my first windows based computer game. My main game is GW right now, but I am constantly trying new games and trying to beat a few older ones.. as many as possible as I am going into Game Design, as such, I should be building us some levels soon!