Sep 17, 2007 #3 Avesther New Member HA, She's old now! haha, old aged one, would you like a young pup bring your walker!
Sep 17, 2007 #4 Goodwone New Member oh my Meli's getting older!!! She will soon be all growed up!! Happy Birthday Meli!
Sep 17, 2007 #7 Melinarlia New Member Hahaha Thanks guys and I'm not THAT old. All of you who already posted are much older than me. Some more than twice my age! =O (Sorry....didn't mean to be mean but Avesther forced me to be! <3 ) Thanks again. =D
Hahaha Thanks guys and I'm not THAT old. All of you who already posted are much older than me. Some more than twice my age! =O (Sorry....didn't mean to be mean but Avesther forced me to be! <3 ) Thanks again. =D
Sep 17, 2007 #8 Quantum_Man New Member Happy birthday! Wishing you "good luck" with your rolls. Well not really...maybe...
Sep 17, 2007 #9 *WALL* New Member Happy birthday, I was going to surprise you but i might as well tell you, i got you some denture toothpaste for your present....
Happy birthday, I was going to surprise you but i might as well tell you, i got you some denture toothpaste for your present....