Medicinal Marijuana? Your thoughts? **Already been discussed? I don't know**


New Member
As I'm sure everyone is aware by now, the Supreme Court has decided that it is constitutional(I guess that is the proper term) to prosecute any doctors/patients for prescribing/possessing marijuana for medicinal use, regardless of state law.

I just wanted opinions on whether or not you folks think it is wrong for an AIDS patient to toke up in order to catch some munchies so they can stomach some food, or for a cancer patient to smoke a little to ease some pain (which has been medically proven to help, as far as I know)

I know that yes, smoking pot can cause cancer just as easily if not more easily than smoking cigarettes, and yes, the main problem that Washington seems to have is "we can't let you get high just because you're dying"

My thoughts are: Marijuana is no more safe/unsafe that any other type of pharmaceutical product, with a 2 page list of warnings, and side effects. Not to mention, as far as for pain relief, it is a LOT safer than say, oh, Oxycontin.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think pot is for everyone, I am a former toker, one of the reasons I was having panic attacks, and that is over and done with now, but honestly I believe if it's here, and a natural substance, God intended it to be here for a purpose, otherwise why would He have created it? Certainly not just for temptation, that is not His M.O.

I hope this isn't deemed inappropriate, I certainly am not trying to get anyone started on something that doesn't belong here, but I had a lengthy discussion with my pastor about this yesterday, so its just on my brain right now.

Once again, still getting used to the complex set-up of the forums, if anything is wrong/out of place with my posts, just point me in the right directions. :)

Grace, Peace, and Love
blackgravity said:
I hope this isn't deemed inappropriate, I certainly am not trying to get anyone started on something that doesn't belong here
Hm, I wouldn't say this post is inappropriate as your question is presented in a respectful manner. The topic of medical marijuana is a complex one and one that should not be immediately dismissed simply because of social stigma.

I will say that the Bible expressly forbids intoxication. Using natural or artificial substances to achieve an altered state of consciousness (drinking alcohol with the express purpose of getting drunk, huffing chemicals to get "high," sniffing cocaine, smoking marijuana for recreational purposes) is a big no-no according to Ephesians 5:17-19:
Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord
I admit I have not done enough research on the topic of medical marijuana to know whether or not patients must get high to appreciate its effects. If they do, then I do not condone it, as altering one's state of consciousness is an abuse of the body which God gave us.

Once again, still getting used to the complex set-up of the forums, if anything is wrong/out of place with my posts, just point me in the right directions.
I believe this post is most appropriate for the Religious Discussion forum. While there are social, as well as moral, aspects to consider, the bulk of the evidence Christians will cite in their arguments is Scripture (as is wise for Christians).

I'll go ahead and move the thread, but leave a redirect in CGA General so you find your way there, blackgravity. ^^
Im going to have to agree with tek on this. I too do not condone drug abuse. But I have my own reasons. =)

blackgravity said:
Now don't get me wrong, I don't think pot is for everyone, I am a former toker, one of the reasons I was having panic attacks, and that is over and done with now, but honestly I believe if it's here, and a natural substance, God intended it to be here for a purpose, otherwise why would He have created it? Certainly not just for temptation, that is not His M.O.

If im not mistaken, isnt the industrial form of marijuana called hemp? which is used for making paper, fabrics, ropes ect. Personally I think that God intended it to be used for making said things and not to be smoked.
If im not mistaken, isnt the industrial form of marijuana called hemp? which is used for making paper, fabrics, ropes ect. Personally I think that God intended it to be used for making said things and not to be smoked.

What about eating it? Smoking pot is not the only way to get the effects from it.

I think using it for a medical reasons serves a good purpose (as most medically used narcotics do as well) in the proper circumstances. It has been from my previous experience with people who smoke pot (reminder: get tek revised testimony) that most of them push this not for the pure medical benefit of it, but for making it more accessable to themselves. Some cases are legitimate, but many are not. I don't think anyone can deny the benefits of it in some cases, but there needs to be clinical trials and studies done before it would even stand a chance of happening on a national level. Until that happens, we have limited research on it available to us and the accuracy of it is not that great.

I currently live in a country where the use of many drugs is perfectly legal (don't believe me? Watch Pulp Fiction!).

My biggest concern is how it is possible to further abuse a body that is dying anyway? The longterm effects of THC use will hardly bother someone in the last stages of terminal cancer, and I can't believe anybody would have the gall to deny them something that would bring them peace in such a time.
I currently live in a country where the use of many drugs is perfectly legal (don't believe me? Watch Pulp Fiction!).

Why wouldn't I believe you? It's the same as where I'm from - ever heard of Tylenol being used in the United States?

Drugs can be anything found at a local Walmart, or something that is illegally transported from South America to the United States, or vice versa.

Although I know (or rather; have been told) that marijuana does or can have medicinal purposes, I think that it's probably best that it be kept illegal, even by use of hospitals. We have enough problems with our most common and popular brands of legal drugs, and so I don't want to add to that list. If marijuana could save lives then that could be a different story, but as far as I know it is merely another narcotic and pain reliever.
Tek7 said:
Using natural or artificial substances to achieve an altered state of consciousness (drinking alcohol with the express purpose of getting drunk, huffing chemicals to get "high," sniffing cocaine, smoking marijuana for recreational purposes) is a big no-no according to Ephesians 5:17-19
(bold text mine)

I don't mean to comment either way on this issue, but reading this, I had an alarming thought-- the "altered state of consciousness" you mention should, if your argument is valid, include caffiene. Sorry, St. Paul-- I am the new chief of sinners.
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I will go ahead and put my opinion in on this whole subject.

As many of you know, I am a recovering "addict." The Lord has taken a lot of things away from me and blessed me with too many things. However, I will always stick by my thoughts on drug/alcohol use. It is very rare to find someone who is part of the southern baptist denomination making this statement, but I believe the use is okay in moderation. Just as everything else is, I don't believe it makes us bad people or any less believers in Christ and what He did for us on Calvary.

Marijuana, in either form I don't find wrong. I think showing up to church or something on it is wrong, but thats a respect issue. What do we not use recreationally? Southern people(such as myself) are known to drink sweet tea. The sugar is bad for us, the caffeine is bad for us, we like it cause it tastes good and can wake us up sometimes. It's recreational use.

The fact is, society has been impared I believe by the government in a sense. Being that the United States is probably the only place in the world where people believe it to be so bad. Now, there is biblical reference of getting "drunk" or having a state change, and I believe that it is referring to ones human behavior. Many, such as myself, dont act differently when using the plant marijuana.

I realize that many/majority here will not agree with my views on a lot of this, but that is okay. I would love to talk more deeply on this, but I fear that I will then become persecuted for what I think about the subject. I am all for it, being as it is not as much of a menace as we make it out to be.

Marijuana/smoking/drinking/whatever should not change someones love for Christ, and I believe once it does then it is a problem. But as I said, in moderation I believe its okay, I know that I will love Christ no matter what, and I don't think a plant or anything would declare that I don't love Him as much as anyone else. And to say that I don't because some of the stuff I have done, would then be persecution. Bleh I'm getting off topic. But please, do comment back so we can chat.

I think u have to take everything in moderation. If a guys dieing and wants to smoke alittle pot to help him eat y give him a hard time.
Marijuana is not as addicting as smoking. I smoked my share in school, but haven't really smoked it in a year. If I had smoked the same amount of cigaretts I would be going through about a pack a day right now. I know guys who smoke it everyday and I know guys who smoke it once or twice a month, and overtime it can be addicting but anything done in excess can be bad for u. Have u ever cut a piece of cake, and found that it tasted so good that even though u're full u have to take another slice. Everyone is addicted to food, look at the amount of fat people there are. It can be deadly if taken to far just like any drug. And has anyone noticed that food portions have gone bigger and bigger every year, and its all McDonalds fault with its super size meals.
I think it will be legal in canada in a few years, we're just afraid to piss of relations with our brothers to the south. U know how they love trade sanctions. :p
We should be less woried about pot and more worried about new drugs like crystal meth.
I got to go make some brownies now. :p haha
I just think the whole "religious" society has made it an outcast, and made everyone who has done it "bad people." They label them drug addicts, or at least I have heard it swung around my church a few times, and this is the problem I believe with the faith of the world. Specific religious denominations aren't after Christ, there are times when I am strongly against what my church is doing.

But a drug is whatever you become dependent on. Counter-strike can alter ones mind. Who knows we may find over the years, the it improves our senses, or worsens them, or makes us more violent, or stimulates something in our brain. Isn't that what common day "drugs" do? I believe so. And I do not believe they are as bad as many have labeled them. I may get in trouble for this, but I have a strong stance in this subject, and I am not afraid to tell people what I think. I don't believe it makes you any different, better or worse, if you do that kind of stuff. Now, if you choose to classify me in that category, well then thats your own problem.

I'm sick of a lot of people labelling me as something based on what I do, or feel. Through all I am a part of the body. And thats all that matters. Sorry, I get kind of wound up talking about this.
Its cool Phix everyone has the right to their own opinion.
Also I agree with u, I think its easy for us to label these drugs and say their bad and their addicting, and forget about some of the other addicting things in our lives. Like who around here has a can of coke a day, or any kind of pop. I know people who drink more pop than water, they have to have some pop everyday.

Our society likes to label everyone, I sometimes do. I know when I stoped going to church and was reading about other religions my family labeled me budhist, pagan athiest etc. etc.
I even have a label for u, cool cs admin.
Being addicted to marijuana is far worse in my opinion than being addicted to caffeine drinks. Although I believe they are both a sin, they both have very different immediate effects.
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I would like to ask something.
Why do people smoke marijuana?
I am not talking about the cancer patients.
What does marijuana do to one self? The same thing as smoking cigarettes, I use to smoke cigarettes and let me tell you, when ever I was upset I gotten out a cigarette because I felt the need to. I tried to quit several times. I finally quit 2 years ago.

Some of you were talking about if you smoke marijuana in moderation it is ok, but most times the moderation ends up to be a constant smoking of that stuff.
Do you smoke it because it makes you feel funny or give you a buzz? Well if it does then it is wrong for you to smoke it
I also believe anything that keeps you away from God is wrong. Remember we should do everything for God. But I am not here to judge because it is not my place to do so.
Some people feel like they need marijuana to live, which means they put this stuff before God. It’s just like worshiping it.
Some were talking about drinking. There was a time when I thought that drinking a glass of wine is ok. BUT I was convicted otherwise. We all are on a different level of spirituality.
Most of all ANYTHING that takes you away from GOD is bad and a sin.
If it harms your body, it is a sin.
Pot kind of makes u loosen up and relax. The same way u drink till u hit get that buzz.
Christians are no fun, u like to make everything feel like a sin. :p
Gandhi said:
Pot kind of makes u loosen up and relax. The same way u drink till u hit get that buzz.
Christians are no fun, u like to make everything feel like a sin. :p

Gandhi, I do not need pot to have fun.
Gandhi said:
Pot kind of makes u loosen up and relax. The same way u drink till u hit get that buzz.
Christians are no fun, u like to make everything feel like a sin. :p

It's not about loosening up and relaxing. I believe God created life so that we could live it as passionately as possible; he wants us to love each other a great deal and to have a blast while doing so - all that marijuana does is make you apathetic and so it's the exact opposite of what God wants in us.
Pot or Grass or whatever you want to call it. It isn't like smoking a cigarette - the feeling of euphoria and the buzz from smoking actually doesn't last that long. I found the smoking merely made me feel more awake, my acuity sharpened whilst that nicotine was racing around inside me.

That's why I smoked. I quit because of the smell and the health hazards. Smoking isn't smart.

Now Grass and Pot are a lot more like getting drunk without the dreadful hangover. You have a sense of euphoria, relaxation and general peace with the world. You get giggly. You loosen up a lot. It really does beat the same level of inebriation with alchohol - which can cause depression or aggression in some people. And the hangovers...

Actually, these days I don't really smoke or drink. I live about 30m down from a drugbar where all sorts of joints are onsale, and I haven't been there once. I think I've had 3 joints since I moved here - the last of them over a year ago. But I don't look down on people who choose to spend their time and money that way - because there are worse ways to spend your time.
The drug or alcohol in question is not what keeps you from God in any case. It is the person who makes that choice to become the slave of that chemical.

A soda, lets say makes one hyper, or puts chemicals into their blood stream that makes on speed up and just feel more awake. Now, I would like to think that Marijuana is the same if you can say that marijuana is bad, based on the stats of a scientific study, well then you're judging it by a worldly system, and that has no credibility in God's kingdom.

I believe that if marijuana wasn't meant to be used, it wouldn't have been grown naturally ON ITS OWN WILDLY. Disagree if you may, but thats my thoughts on it, and no once can dispute that fact.

Now, again I say, it is ones personal choice to allow something to distance themself from church or God. An argument can put distance between a person and God, so many things make it easy for someone to ALLOW themselves to fall away from God, however, it is a personal decision.

Classify it as a sin if you wish, but everything we do has a sinful characteristic in it. The thought of possibly doing something for one thing that may be wrong is a sin, even if we don't act on it for that specific reason. There are too many snares society has created, and I know I am not perfect. I live my life to the fullest aspect I can, being that I control the actions of my life. It makes me no less responsible to take part in any of what is being discussed if I have the common sense to do the right thing.

There is too much bias to discuss this topic openly I believe.
Phix said:
I believe that if marijuana wasn't meant to be used, it wouldn't have been grown naturally ON ITS OWN WILDLY. Disagree if you may, but thats my thoughts on it, and no once can dispute that fact.

Many poisonous plants grow on their own as well; you're not making much of a point.

Anyway, let's take a broad view here. If you legalized marijuana in the United States, do you honestly think that even half of the people buying it would use it in moderation? I wouldn't think so, which is why I think it's best it be kept illegal. It's not about whether it's okay for you to smoke it or not, or to even use it for medicinal purpose, because it's about doing the responsible thing.
With it being legal, less tax money would be spent trying to stop grow ops and smugglers. I know our mayor is trying to legalize it and tax it. Put the money u get from it into health care and drug awarness classes.
If u say pot shouldn't be legal then lets ban smoking, and drinking.
If u look at it that way are fat people sinners, they put food before god, they can't stop eating and they go past their limit.
Does this mean there are no fat people in heaven.