May 3, Karazhan Run


New Member
I'd like to start a weekly guild Karazhan run beginning May 3rd, 7pm-10:00pm (server time). Please post here if you can for sure make it and I will add you to the list. Here are the classes/specs needed. Positions already filled are in italics.

1. Warrior (Prot)
2. Priest (Disc/Holy)
3. Warlock
4. Mage
5. Rogue
6. Paladin (Holy)
7. Druid (Resto) or Shaman (Resto)
8. Hunter (trap spec would be nice)
9. Priest (Shadow) or Mage or Warlock
10. Druid (Tank or Tank/Kitty) or Warrior (DPS with a little Prot) or Paladin (mostly Prot)

1. Rogue - Etoh
2. Druid (Resto) - Yesmina
3. Hunter - Mogrins
4. Druid (Kritty/Tank) - Daire
5. Pali (Holy) - Wovenx
6. Mage (Fire) - Ambryana (99% certain she can make it)
7. Warrior (Prot) - Tinie
8. Priest (Shadow) - Buto
9. Pali (Prot) - Rengeof
10. Hunter - Xandar

Loot will be handled using the Be Nice system. Roll on things that fit your spec, not farming/grinding gear. If you win something be prepared to pass on some other items, etc.
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Ambryana - mage

Edit: I may have a hard time staying until midnight (EST). We'll also have to play it by ear how my work schedule goes. Things have been popping up suddenly for me. So if you can deal with that - you got a fire mage. :)
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I can't come on May 3, but for future runs, if I'm not already saved to Ron's instance and I'm not working, count me in on Durruck - Fire Mage. I might start working on gearing & keying up an alt, so if you have a specific need, let me know which to work on next.
There was alot of posts on the initial forum about who wanted go John (: maybe they havent seen this one yet.
JOhn it wont be a problem for me to go ive cleared it with my boss.

thanks again for doing this, youre very kind. should be fun
I should be able to make it on the 3rd with Buto, I just need to get a successful BM run to finish the key off. Am trying for one on Thursday.
mike.. im going to run kara with ron on thursday night at 7 server. I should be on most of the day thursday.

Ill be glad to run black morass with you and im sure we can get a good group together.
Pally Tank at your service

I see your gonna need another tank besides the warrior, I had some trouble with Group Calendar as i have signed up so far for every run except the very first one on Monday and i guess no one saw it. Welp gonna load a diff version the one posted on the site here and hope that works. Any who i am protection specced, geared, gemmed, and enchanted, i got some wizard oil, and mana pots as well so I am ret to go !!
Im working on you should know since im sending them to you to be best gear is deff my tanking and cat gear although i have decent healing gear and would serve as a good back up healer. Ill let you decide.
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