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Peter said, "I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you."
-Acts 3:6 (NRSV)
-Acts 3:6 (NRSV)
Prayer:WHILE I was serving as bishop in West Africa from 1986-1994, my wife and I "heard the cry" of our people in Liberia. (See Exod. 3:7.) We knew the airport in Monrovia, Liberia's capital, was closed because of the war, but we also knew that God wanted us to help our brothers and sisters. So we gathered food and some money and found a way to go to Liberia. Like the story from Acts 3 of the disciples with the man at the gate of the temple, we were ready to share with them what we had.
When we arrived in Monrovia at a makeshift airport, we were met by people from the church and later attended a spirit-filled worship service. We heard heart-rending stories about the atrocities of war. But in the midst of that we also heard people tell about the abundant mercies of God toward them.
All over the world people are suffering -- some because of war, some because they are lost and trying to save themselves. As followers of Christ, we are sent to seek them out. As Luke 4:18 tells us, the work of Christ is to reach out to those who are oppressed, blind, poor, and in bondage. When we follow Christ's example, we reach out with what we have to hurting people wherever we are.
Nathaniel Linsey (Georgia, U.S.A.)
God of all comfort, help us to hear the cries of suffering people all around us. Soften our hearts that we may respond, and give us courage to act in the name and power of Jesus Christ. Amen.